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Everything posted by chucK

  1. chucK


    Alright, I enjoy the occasional dumbass mounty story as much as the next guy but some of this is getting a little ridiculous. The mounties have as much right as any of you on any route out there. If they get there first, I say tough shit for you. The Mounties post their itineraries on the net. You're on the net right now genius, check it out. Phil Fortier's site has it linked. With that info you can avoid 'em if you really hate 'em so much or beat them to theclimb. It's not hard. One time I called up the leader of a climb posing as a member interested in signing up for the climb, just so I could get the exact details of where they'd be and when. I know some of you whiny sportos out there probably get a little bent out of shape because you don't wanna get out of bed early enough to beat theMounties to the Tooth. Then you bitch about the clusterf*k of newbies up there. Well, tell ya what. All the people soloing the Tooth, think YOU are a newbie too for using ropes. Follow Dharmabum's example. He encountered the Mounties out there, he adapted, he turned the situation to his advantage. Captain, Bitchin' about the mounties on a 5.5 Castle Rock route? What do you expect? Ninety percent of the people on a 5.5 Castle Rock route are gumbies, likely to drop stuff. Deal with it. What were YOU doing on a 5.5 Castle route? you f'n gumby. Do you bitch about looserock at Vantage too? And what a f'n hypocrite you are! "I dont like the large numbers being pumped into the mtns". How long have you been climbing? I'd bet less than 5 years. Maybe 3? If trendiness of climbing is a problem, then YOU are part of the problem. And Erik, "chill out bro!! and you gotta see both sides of the story here dawg."??? WTF's up with that? Let's see, 13 mountie-bashing posts, 1 mountie-supporting. The one supporting was payaso and you shouted him down. You're the one who should chill out and listen to both sides of the story. And Will, a spelling flame??? How originel. Disclaimer: I took the Mountie basic course. I think I got some good, cheap instruction, and I also understand how some of them are a'holes. But at least they're a non-profit group, a club. I think they deserve their share of the mountains as much as any of you other key-whackin' punters. I get much more p'd off by guides making money by doing shit like comfortizing Outer Space with rapbolts. There! Put that in yer pipe and smoke it in the Muir Hut!!! Chuck
  2. How about this? Simp and Wick are down on their luck. Their respective baggage is not helping to enlist partners or sponsorship for their climbing aspirations. Enter shadowy government figures who enlist the unlikely pair to co-lead a crack multinational team into the mountains of Pakistan in search of fugitive number one. The wacky black comedy lurches through malfunctioning attack helicopters, booby trapped cases of beer, and nuclear-weapons-toting camels with bowel disfunction in a non-stop hilarious ride toward total nuclear annihilation! [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: chucK ]
  3. Not as good as some of these others, but a buddy jammed a roll of tape under undercling on Dreamer [pictured above] to keep the rope from getting caught in the constriction. It worked too!On my first trip up to Squamish, I found a bag of weed lying on the ground just across the street from the McDonald's. Later that day at the Smoke Bluffs we found a pack of licorice-flavored rolling papers abandoned below Flying Circus. Climbed the Smoke Bluffs Connection hoping to complete the trifecta and find an implement of fire somewhere up there. No such luck. Then when we returned to the base, all three of our packs were stolen That really sucked.
  4. Something tells me the 1000+ post guys never let that bother them.
  5. OK the big wheels could also help to keep your beer from getting too shaken up. Plus, women know quality when they see it. Go Baby-Jogger, not some pretender brand. Plus since this one is a little used you'll be a believable baby-poser, not like if had a shiny new one. And it's RED. Chicks dig red. Hey Pope, Did your "friend" find a new use for that beer stroller? Did one of those phone numbers get him more than he bargained for? I don't ever see him around the Rock anymore. Chuck
  6. Just had a kid? Worrying about how to keep in climbing shape? Here's an idea. Buy this handy-dandy Baby Jogger from me. Run your kid up and down hills, etc. Not only helps you get your workout in, but often puts the kid into dreamland, so when you get home you can dick around on this site! Good training regimen too as the weight you push around gradually increases with time. Specs:Baby Jogger II, used for two years, in good shape,has sun and rain canopies,Big 20" wheels,red. The Big wheels Make it smoother for serious running and gives it better off-road capacity (like taking your kid to Exit 38 or Little Si or something). Drawback is that it doesn't fold up as small Asking $100 Chuck (cspieker@attbi.com)
  7. Yeah! Why IS spray moderated? Wasn't this whole forum initially created exactly to be the place where all the worthless shit was supposed to be posted. Thus leaving the other boards somewhat more, ahem, pristine? I mean, for a while before you moderator guys started just hacking stuff out of existence the punishment for utter stoopidity was banishing the thread to SPRAY!! Now it's.Sheesh. Make up yer mind. If this board gets moderated then it's gonna drive the most abnoxious spray to the other unmoderated boards. I say moderate the crap out of all the other forums, especially the conditions reports ones, but at least leave this one be. That'll furnish some outlet for some of the more needy individuals here. Thasss all I gotta say oh yeah, yeah, yeah...yeah except... Is there a hack that could be installed where we could set some cookie to filter out anybody we wanted in our own views? That would rule!
  8. my lighter with a picture of a guy with googlie eyes holding a keg spout that says "One man keg party!" oh and a yellow ALIEN (kicks butt on the yellow TCU) [ 12-14-2001: Message edited by: chucK ]
  9. I generally agree about the suckiness of hexes. Some here are implying they are good for "going light". That's incorrect for the big sizes according to the weight data from the respective companies (see http://home.attbi.com/~cspieker/misc/sizerang.htm ). Friends cover more ground and are essentially the same weight in #10-11 hex size. Once you get to smaller sizes the tri-cams kick but in the weight category, but of course tri-cams have their own problems. Chuck
  10. Doubtful. RURP posts some fairly clever stuff. Chuck
  11. Thermarests suck for weight, but not for space. Much easier to thrash through slide alder with a thermarest tucked inside your pack than with one of those bigger foam pads strapped to the outside of your pack catching on all that stuff. Thermarests also good for when taking shit on the plane, like a trip to Red Rocks. My biggest POS piece is this rock-warrior cam. It's just about all frozen up after owning it one year, and placing it about 3 times. Chuck
  12. er, ummm.... I guess I was whining. I originally stopped there but you edited your post to include this: quote: I just stated obvious facts and you dont agree I agree completely with your stated fact, that Jon and Tim will do as they wish. Well SO WHAT. It's THEIR board. [ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: chucK ]
  13. Caveman, I can't believe what a whiner you are! Do you think Jon and Tim owe you anything? The more you whine about this shit, the more likely it is that J&T will just say, "F*CK IT. It's not worth the hassle", and just pull the plug. Please get real. Chuck
  14. That ROOLZ I am much more relaxed now
  15. It musta been something BAD in rock cop. I can't really figure it out. It seemed like the thread was proceeding in a fairly calm fashion the last post I saw. Was it some dickhead threatening DCramer while hiding behind a screenname? That's my guess. Are there any anonymous dickheads obviously missing since last week? It would be cool if you moderator-types just put the big LOCKED THREAD thing on instead of total deletion. I suppose that was probably already considered though, and this time it was just too bad to leave up. Us curious minds would at least like to see what one's gotta do to piss you off. I'm really curious to find out at least the nature of Bonzo's final infraction too. I saw some of that early thread. It was funny, but I guess quite offensive to some also. Can anybody who witnessed the offending posts before they were deleted fill me in VIA EMAIL. Please don't repost the crap. That would be bogus. The moderators put a lot of effort into this site. If they don't want something up there, I'll bet they got a good reason. Even if they don't have a good reason, I'm not gonna bitch about it (any more than the level of this post). Why don't some of you whiners yapping about censorship just start up your own damn website. It's obvious some of you got a lot of time on yer hands. So there,Chuck
  16. Hey Jason, I've been hiking/climbing in WA for like 12 years now, and I've never had trouble with anybody being a dick. My feather have never been quote: ruffled . Not once!! I infrequently get the pleasure to wait behind a quote: large contigent of undertrained people "teaching" others how to climb , but I've never experienced lack of cordiality. Dude, maybe it's you, or not. Either way, a an obvious solution to your problem would be to go climb somewhere else. Glad I could help. Later,Chuck So me 'n marty was up to climb the tooth one day in a March. We were trying to get up around a big cornice at that pass south of pineapple. I was climbing up on the right and just made it to a traverse across choss. These mounties come charging right up below me and I'm telling them about this rock that's just dislodged and balanced against my shins. They just stare up at me and don't get helmets out or nuthin'. And then the rock lets go, and I yell, and they back off after that. So then, marty comes up and he's trailing their rope. Well, we rig a toprope for the mounties, but they aren't able to climb directly up the cornice. They don't want to do the choss traverse as it wouldn't be protected by the toprope. So, they ended up leaving the rope there and hiking all the way around through the pass further East. Meanwhile, marty 'n me climb up the Tooth in sunshine. When we rap on down, it's right through the ascending mounties, and now it's snowing! These guys were top notch all the way! Never a scowl.
  17. Hey fellow posers sitting at the computer not skiing. I'm headed out to the UW Rock RIGHT NOW! C'mon out. I'll sandbag you, unless you're an old Rock veteran then you can sandbag me. Oh yeah, I'll be wearing a bright orange shirt. Introduce yourself. Chuck [ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: chucK ]
  18. quote: Originally posted by ScottP: I posted the image in response to Chuck's malevolent request that you post the directions. Malevolent?? There you go with those english-teacher words again. Sorry for the perceived malevolence. It's just that I've been hearing about these damn Two Terminated Terriers Terraces for so damn long ( Google doesn't even have the original[?]rec.climbing posts anymore) I felt I needed to go to extreme measures to find some closure on this issue. As for other provocative topics, where does this "Lucy" nickname come from? Is there some story behind this? Chuck
  19. chucK

    I wanna sixpack!

    Hey! To you people that know how to work with these cool animated gifs. Can someone concatenate six of these beer-glass thingies together to give me a six-pack icon like that pictured above? I'll put it on my webpage somewhere so everyone can use it. I can't figure out how or if I can do it in Photoshop. Chuck
  20. Canis Crag? What kind of a sissy name is that anyway? Sounds like an English teacher named it or something. Note that is does rhyme with anus Crag, or anus rag, shag, drag? You really oughta rename it Double Dead Dog Wall. That's what I think,Chuck
  21. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Chuck with that mean face and all I recommend you use this http://toy.thespark.com/burn Cap'n yore the best! http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/ubb/icons/icon14.gif Check out the results! So god-damn you've all heard the fucking rants that "cigarette butts are trash, why don't smokers pick up after themselves" before,...but here's my juicy piece of shit new slant. I am the butt master. Last week I was climbing Silent Running (3 O'clock Rock) and from the fucking base all the fucking way to the fucking top of the fucking 5th pitch we got to fuckin' follow a continuous trail of sunflower-fuckin'-seed shells. I don't know why that bastard bugged my stupid ass so god-damn much, but after sitting with them piece of shits at every piece of shit belay and following their slimy path on every stinky pitch, that bastard began to grate on my stupid ass. Don't people know these are trash? Know this, you are a bitch. Them assmonkeys probably think seed shells are biodegradable and so god-damn that piece of shit's fucked-up to leave them piece of shits. Well TP is biodegradable too bitch-slapping, and TP biodegrades a whole shitload faster than those stripey little shells. I should break your anus. To the fucking dork who spewed that bastard's trash over five pitches of Silent Running, you're probably too ass-grabbing really fucking brilliant to figure out the fucking above argument so god-damn let my stupid ass just state that I'm NOT saying that that piece of shit's fucked-up to fuckin' leave your sorry used toilet paper about. I should cram your neck. I'm saying, stop spewing your sorry f****n' shells all over the fucking place. Have some class and rule on something else (or swallow) when you and your hand-job're out in the fucking woods. Thankyouverymuch,Chuck -------------------------------- Burned by the Burnmaker!* http://toy.thespark.com/burn *--------------------------------
  22. Hey Cavedude, Post that topo of Scott's (Secret Crag????) to the group. You oughta!!!! That would get him. Chuck
  23. My website (Chuck's Climbing Page) has been moved (or is that migrated?) due to the @home snafus. Here's the new URL(or you can just click my little home icon on my posts) http://home.attbi.com/~cspieker There's probably some new stuff on there since I last spammed this site about it. Check it out.
  24. http://www.geocities.com/~gibell/cirque/
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