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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/23 in all areas

  1. Going to keep this brief as I don't think an open forum is the place to criticize. Completely agree with you AJ, assuming there was even a slide at all. I'll just lay out the facts for those without the time to read the report. None of the climbers were buried or ever partially buried. The slide happened at 1:15, the remaining 2 climbers not caught in the fall decided to ascend for 45 minutes before descending and didn't reach the fallen until 5pm. No one in the party had communication equipment. No one in the party had any avy experience. There was a known storm blowing in that greatly hindered rescue efforts.
    1 point
  2. Given the nature of that route I wouldn't be superised if it wasn't a slide and just spindrift that took them down. Its sad to see how many people jumped on the "they had no avy gear or knowledge!!" People die in the mountains and so many of the newer backcountry users seem to think that if you follow the rules your gunna be safe. Shit is always going to happen to the unlucky. Life is a risky game with only one outcome in the end... My condolences as well...
    1 point
  3. Wow...I initially was led to believe this was a super obvious error in judgement based on the avalanche forecast. But after reading that report, I would say that was not the case. I could easily see myself and many of my partners climbing that route or something similar on a 2,2,1 day. It is a good reminder that even a low avy day can have serious consequences. My condolences to all those affected.
    1 point
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