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TV Ads Say S.U.V. Owners Support Terrorists


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Whatever, you goobs. The new anti-SUV ads sound pretty funny, the way they're parodying those insipid anti-drug ads. W/r/t M-goat saying that they should say what they mean, fuck that, they're drawing attention to the issue they want attention drawn to, accomplishing the same end.


Anyone read the bit about Craig Rosebraugh in this week's Willamette Week? He's talking about the viability of violence as a form of protest, and wondering if nonviolence is really the way to go. Apparently some "cell" of the ELF has also issued a statement that they'll be sending their message with the gun, if need be, to get their point across. Interesting idea, although the Doctor still feels that murder is not a good thing to do.


Whaddayou gun-toters think about this? Given that you feel that it's right to defend what you hold dear with lethal weaponry, and given your support of the USA's use of killing to further our ends?

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Gas stations that do not get any of much of their oil from the Middle East:




Phillips 66


Coastal/El Paso


Sinclair Oil


ConocoPhillips (Union 76)

Tesoro Petroleum




Borderline gas stations:






This is off the web ... don't know if its accurate, but I've heard it before as well.


As for Rosegraugh, he's talking about a sort of wonky view on social movements and the role of violence and civil disobedience. Where would the civil rights movement have been without riots? What about the French Revolution? Civil disobedience can play a role in moving your agenda forward ... but you sort of lose the moral high ground unless a lot of people agree (like the the CR riots), and personally I'm a freakin' wussy ass pacifist that prefers not to engage in violence.

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Ah, but Trask, was the BTP and the ensuing revolution a viable option then, either? Who decides when it's appropriate to kill in defense of one's cause?


ATTENTION GOVERNMENT SNOOPS, SPIES, SCREWS, TIA OFFICIALS, et. al.: Dr. Flash Amazing does not endorse violence against any person, least of all the great leaders of our nation and our nation's businesses. It's all just for the sake of conversation. So don't come around turning DFA's house upside down looking for ties to Al Qaeda, the ELF, or the ACLU, 'cause there's nothing there. Good day. tongue.gif

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I thought the ELF took responsability for blowing up two car dealerships here in eugene?


The perpetrators didn't "blow up" shit. They set the vehicles on fire. You may not find a difference, I do. I don't recall that ELF claimed responsibility although one of the alleged perpetrators, Tres Arrow, is a member of ELF as well as Cascadia Forest Alliance (which I might add is non-violent). They also torched a few dump trucks at Ross Island Concrete. Tres' still on the run.


Violence against property in the form of protest has a long history in america. I don't advocate violence against people.

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Gas stations that do not get any of much of their oil from the Middle East


Whats that mean?


Toyota has been advertising that they will be offering a hydrogen powered SUV for sale starting later this year. I believe it will only initially be available in Japan.

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