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Waddya call a knuckledragger that just got dumped by his girlfriend?




I lived in Squallywood for a year and hung with tons of jibbers while I was there. I agree that they ain't all idiots ... alcoholics maybe.


My problem is that they speak a different freakin' language. What the hell are they talkin 'bout?

Edited by Winter
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Also the boarders always seem to stop at either the front of a lift line or at a lift off ramp to adjust bindings (Usually for about four minutes). They also seem to like to aggresively "make" their way to the front of a lift line and then wait for their buddy who is about 100 yards behind. As bitter as I may sound and as much as some of us hate em' though they saved the ski industry. We have to thank them for that. My old ski school almost went tits up because we were slow to cater to boarders.

Not that any of us can see the future but, I don' t think we'll see to many people boarding in 45 years from know though? Every generation in my family has been a skiier for probably 2,000 years. The snowboard will someday go the way of the Dodo?




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I ride a board nowadays. Gave up the skis after about 30 seasons of using the 4,000 year old invention. A board is the tool for deep powder. Compared to skiing, the effort for maneuvering a board through the deep is minimal. A person on skis would be hurting trying to keep up with me on a phat day. I make no excuses for the simplicity of the board. It is easier than skis. And it's more fun. Surfride the whole mountain, top to bottom, one go. Any lazy fuckers laying on the slopes have aerobic capacity issues.

If you navigate on skis, good for you. Puritans think you need to suffer to achieve holiness which leads to the conclusion that skiers are holier than boarders. Many certainly act that way. Especially the free-heel crowd. "Such is life", as Ned Kelly put it. I would venture a guess that it's pretty frustrating to be skiiing on a $700+ setup and have a nappy-ass boarder roar by on his $300 stick.

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