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I'll never pay taxes again . . .


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if Bush is successful in his quest to eliminate stock dividend tax. All anyone would have to do is funnel income through stocks that pay heavy dividends (whether the coporation is legit, or not, is moot). Just setting up income-funneling coporations will become a great way to make money.

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Just trying to save you guys some money. You don't have to be rich to benefit. You only need the proper "strategery" to protect your income.

And Greg_W, we all effectively get taxed multiple times in many situations. State income tax, Federal tax, sales tax (on items that have already been taxed at least once), Gasoline tax, etc..


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so why not start eradicating some of [multiple taxations]?

Some people might say that without incentives in the form of taxes, CEOs and CFOs might be tempted to not re-invest in the corporation, but, rather, bleed the business to bankruptcy and pocket the profits without even paying tax on the plunder. But it's not very Christian to think poorly of others, no?

Do you pay tax on the income derived from savings? Of course, because it's income. But GW would have income derived from stock dividends exempted. I understand the thinking behind the proposal, but I think it would create much pseudo-criminal behavior. And the economy would suffer further. If Bush wants to cut taxes, better to keep with the KISS principle, IMHO.

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