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Need copy of Pagemaker


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Actually, the download is pretty massive for we who still use dial-up.


Iain, does that mean you might have a copy of Pagemaker? I'm not looking for advice on what is the best graphics program, just looking for a copy of Pagemaker that isn't a six hour download.


Greg, feel free to direct your hatred elsewhere. I've got no issue with you, so save your breath.

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glad you got a copy, Allison... mine is Mac...


and Iaan, the Publishing Industry Standard for TEXT heavy documents IS Pagemaker, the print house I send to ONLY accepts documents on Pagemaker V 7.0, and they are big commercial offset press house.

they run 15,000 copies of an eight page newspaper for us every month, as well as run virtually all the other community papers in the Seattle area, and they'd laugh if i suggested they switch to Quark or some other program.


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I'm sure everything's running os 8.1 or something too... was the same when I was supporting a catalog design group here. I didn't see anywhere that this was a text-heavy thing, and I know some publishing places that would laugh at anything not in quark 3x. but I was doing mainly ad layouts for macworld and stuff, more graphics than heavy indexed text.

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