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Socialism at its best.


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My friend and I used to go around and around on such issues - he feels that food, healthcare, housing, and education (including undergrad and grad school) should be free and provided by the government.


en outre, il est canadien-français.

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he feels that food, healthcare, housing, and education (including undergrad and grad school) should be free and provided by the government.



If it is provided by the government it is not free.


noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. it's free.

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Oh hey, it's burchey. Are you going to make fun of your ugly girlfriend again? That was cool!


Awwwwwwwwwwwwww yeah. She's so busted, you can't even believe it.


No seriously.


Like, I look at her, and I think "man, even free healthcare ain't gonna fix that weave"

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there used to be more brackets, so the cartoon is (undoubtedly purposely) misleading


How is it misleading? Its not about how many brackets there used to be, its about what the top bracket used to be -- which is accurate.


In 1936 the top bracket of 79% applied to a gross income of 80.7 million (2011) dollars. There were 31 brackets.


In 2011 the top bracket of 35% applied to a gross income of 379 thousand dollars. There are 6 brackets.


The simple-minded little cartoon omits this huge amount of detail and its "point" is rendered null and void.

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In 1936 the top bracket of 79% applied to a gross income of 80.7 million (2011) dollars. There were 31 brackets.


In 2011 the top bracket of 35% applied to a gross income of 379 thousand dollars. There are 6 brackets.


The simple-minded little cartoon omits this huge amount of detail and its "point" is rendered null and void.


I agree it is misleading but it is also funny.

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Its not misleading. The top bracket used to be way higher. Period. How many brackets there used to be is neither here nor there, the top bracket is the top bracket. The cartoon doesn't make any claims about how big that bracket was.


50 years ago, the richest of the rich would have paid much more tax than now. There's no point dancing around that fact, its the truth. The extreme rich ate paying fewer taxes than ever. Nothing misleading about that, at all.

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Its not misleading. The top bracket used to be way higher. Period. How many brackets there used to be is neither here nor there, the top bracket is the top bracket. The cartoon doesn't make any claims about how big that bracket was.


BS and you know it.


I'd be much more in favor of adding more brackets for higher income folks with higher rates than raising the current highest rate to match "historic [sic] levels". But, hey, let's just avoid any common ground!


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I'm fine with more brackets, too, if that means the extreme wealthy start paying what they paid historically. Think the GOp would allow that? Smirk.


They did in the past. "Read my lips...". In fact if that's what you want, I bet you'd have more chance getting it under the Mitt-ster (and he'd probably cave in that way when push comes to shove)

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