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isn't there any limit to your spewing bile at folks?


You, sir, are a liar, a shill, and a neanderthal.


quite meaningless when used out of all context and despite any logic, which, as you know very well, wasn't the case when I have addressed these adjectives at you (I bet it'll happen again). Do you need a reminder of how these epithets applied to what your wrote here? (by opposition to your baseless hateful rhetoric?)


I feel like I am talking to a child.


Is that why you're writing like one? Reading your tortured sentences is utterly agonizing. Please, take a class--or something.


A class? Maybe if it's run by a psychiatrist in a room with padded walls.

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You guys sure peck at each other a lot! Don't the hens do that enough for ya at home?






Suddenly I'm hungry for roast capon with a mushroom and armagnac sauce. Have you been "fixed" by any chance?





If it's capon you're looking for, buddy, you might just want to jump on in the oven yourself.


Eat me! :fahq:


Wait a minute... :confused:

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isn't there any limit to your spewing bile at folks?


You, sir, are a liar, a shill, and a neanderthal.


quite meaningless when used out of all context and despite any logic, which, as you know very well, wasn't the case when I have addressed these adjectives at you (I bet it'll happen again). Do you need a reminder of how these epithets applied to what your wrote here? (by opposition to your baseless hateful rhetoric?)


I feel like I am talking to a child.


Is that why you're writing like one? Reading your tortured sentences is utterly agonizing. Please, take a class--or something.


Listen up, rabbits! Don't make me and the guys get involved here.



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A class? Maybe if it's run by a psychiatrist in a room with padded walls.


It's not my fault if in addition to ragging on youth like a reactionary old fart, you can't muster anything beyond juvenile bully rhetoric. You could at least make an effort and spare us another one of your lamentable display of public embarrassment.

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Is that why you're writing like one? Reading your tortured sentences is utterly agonizing. Please, take a class--or something.


As if anybody's writing style was a good excuse for making an ass of yourself by declaring someone's TRs not "worthy". I could understand some display of immature bravado if you were some kind of hot shot, but this is obviously not applicable to you.

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Is that why you're writing like one? Reading your tortured sentences is utterly agonizing. Please, take a class--or something.


As if anybody's writing style was a good excuse for making an ass of yourself by declaring someone's TRs not "worthy". I could understand some display of immature bravado if you were some kind of hot shot, but this is obviously not applicable to you.


You've been on this website for over 9 years and have never posted a single TR. Instead, you post thousands of times in political rants in the flaming forum on a *climbing* website and wonder aloud why the dialogue is not up to some "academic standard" (as defined by you). To top it off your writing style is on par with a brain-damaged simpleton. You're an open invitation to mockery, j_bot. :wave:

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Is that why you're writing like one? Reading your tortured sentences is utterly agonizing. Please, take a class--or something.


As if anybody's writing style was a good excuse for making an ass of yourself by declaring someone's TRs not "worthy". I could understand some display of immature bravado if you were some kind of hot shot, but this is obviously not applicable to you.


You've been on this website for over 9 years and have never posted a single TR. Instead, you post thousands of times in political rants in the flaming forum on a *climbing* website and wonder aloud why the dialogue is not up to some "academic standard" (as defined by you). To top it off your writing style is on par with a brain-damaged simpleton. You're an open invitation to mockery, j_bot. :wave:

Not that we have to prove anything to anyone, but you're right, this is a climbing website. I love getting flamed by dudes who claim credibility yet provide no basis for it. I'm not citing J_B in particular-he's never done me wrong personally- but just the culture here in general and a few individuals (who will remain unnamed) in particular /rant/

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So, why spray on a climbing website if you don't climb


Because its fun. Climb or no climbing.....the spray forum can be fun and entertaining. I personally try my hardest not to attack other folks on the site but as you can see others do not share my sense of online ethics. Not saying I am all high and mighty....because I troll with the best of them... :D

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You'll get on a high horse about anything, won't you?


Not really (as you can see when I started posting in this thread) but I do get on a high horse when a couple of freedumb knuckleheads think they can systematically smear the people they don't like, especially when I have been a target of it a fair amount since my beginning on this forum. If you need a refresher, you can just backtrack up this thread and see for yourself who systematically flings shit at others instead just giving their opinion.

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You've been on this website for over 9 years and have never posted a single TR. Instead, you post thousands of times in political rants in the flaming forum on a *climbing* website and wonder aloud why the dialogue is not up to some "academic standard" (as defined by you). To top it off your writing style is on par with a brain-damaged simpleton. You're an open invitation to mockery, j_bot. :wave:


Dude, if your rhetoric ever approached something beyond sophomoric stupidities (I certainly never expected or mentioned an "academic standard" LOL), I could almost be satisfied.


As I told you the other day, your long-term trolling behavior in itself is certainly not a sign of very good mental health. You should get it checked. Lashing out at people for years on end as a preferred mode of interaction is likely to hide other problems.

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You've been on this website for over 9 years and have never posted a single TR.

Not that we have to prove anything to anyone, but you're right, this is a climbing website.


It's a climbing website but nowhere does it say one has to write TRs to participate. I like reading some TRs but to be honest pictures are often all I want to see. The truth is that most people here either don't do much talking at all or don't talk much about climbing, which is fine by me as themes tend to be repetitive over the years and I am past the time when my entire life was about climbing.

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Driver: "We are at the intersection of 24th and 156th"


If you were where I think you were, the Driver could have just said "here kid, you are two blocks from Safeway down 24th towards 148th....that way" ... and it could have just ended nicely..... but maybe the Driver didnt know jack shit about his route and was too adult to admit it to a mere kid. And so the cycle repeats...

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