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Originally posted by ScottP:


Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

(snip of other non-funny stuff)

Also, if small children laugh at you, just kick them in the teeth when their parents aren't looking. Little bastards.

Advocating violence toward children is not funny, dickhead.

It's an interesting coincidence that an adult recently punched a kid in the mouth and got beat to death for it.

Probably why you'd do it while nobody was looking.

That was blatant sarcasm, pal, so take a few deep breaths and try to relax. Big difference between advocating violence toward children and making sarcastic remarks.
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Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:


Originally posted by ScottP:


Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

(snip of other non-funny stuff)

Also, if small children laugh at you, just kick them in the teeth when their parents aren't looking. Little bastards.

Advocating violence toward children is not funny, dickhead.

It's an interesting coincidence that an adult recently punched a kid in the mouth and got beat to death for it.

Probably why you'd do it while nobody was looking.

That was blatant sarcasm, pal, so take a few deep breaths and try to relax. Big difference between advocating violence toward children and making sarcastic remarks.

And I'm supposed to pull sarcasm out of written words without the non-verbal inflection? Give me a break.

Either way, there's absolutely nothing funny about the idea- realized or not -of kicking a child in the mouth. I don't expect your pompous ass to admit you are wrong, but you are wrong.

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Originally posted by ScottP:


Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:


Originally posted by ScottP:


Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

(snip of other non-funny stuff)

Also, if small children laugh at you, just kick them in the teeth when their parents aren't looking. Little bastards.

Advocating violence toward children is not funny, dickhead.

It's an interesting coincidence that an adult recently punched a kid in the mouth and got beat to death for it.

Probably why you'd do it while nobody was looking.

That was blatant sarcasm, pal, so take a few deep breaths and try to relax. Big difference between advocating violence toward children and making sarcastic remarks.

And I'm supposed to pull sarcasm out of written words without the non-verbal inflection? Give me a break.

Either way, there's absolutely nothing funny about the idea- realized or not -of kicking a child in the mouth. I don't expect your pompous ass to admit you are wrong, but you

I pulled the sarcasm out of written words without the non-verbal inflection. How come you couldn't? Oh...wait..probably because no one is EVER sarcastic on CC [Roll Eyes] . Kids need more respect for authority anyways. [Razz]
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Quoth DFA: "And don't delude yourself, there is something wrong with golf. Shit, everything is wrong with golf. Golf is just wrong. Also, if small children laugh at you, just kick them in the teeth when their parents aren't looking. Little bastards."


The Doctor would think that given the context of his response (deriding golf, a common source of easy laffs) and the subject matter to which he was responding, the sarcasm or at least the fact that the comment was not serious would be obvious. Perhaps if the Doctor had said "children need to be put in their place, and today's soft approach to discipline is ineffective and a leading factor in our youth population's lack of morals. There is no shame in spanking or even slapping your child in order to let them know who is in charge," that could be construed as dangerous and serious advocation of wailing on children. However, it was the Doctor's hope that something so clearly over-the-top as "kick them in the teeth when their parents aren't looking" would be readily identifiable as not serious.


But DFA digresses. If you found that offensive, then the Doctor is sorry. The Doctor disagrees that there was nothing funny about what he said, and maintains that you are taking this far too seriously. There is nothing pompous about this refusal to admit wrongdoing, we simply disagree.

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I know nothing about kicking children in the teeth, but I will say that when I attended school, the paddle with holes drilled in it that hung on the edge of the blackboard was a damn good behavior modifier. We weren't the smart assed rowdy bastards so many kids are today. I know, I have two of my own. While I don't advocate corporal punishment for children as a rule, I agree somewhat with the old saying "spare the rod and spoil the child".

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sarcasum about to happen:


if small children don't want to get kicked in the teeth...they should learn to NOT laugh at over sensitive adults> [Razz]


sarcasum ending now: [Razz]


[ 10-03-2002, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: Muffy The Wanker Sprayer ]

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There's also the matter of context and individual personality. Anybody who is aware of DFA and his flaming left wing liberal leanings would automatically know that the lad was making a joke, whereas anyone who familiar with Trask's knee-jerk right wing scatological spew would know that he doesn't mean harm to anyone on this board and he was making a joke also. Scott'teryx on the otherhand would be obviously making a joke, and various and sundry would be compelled to tear him a new asshole for his chutzpah. Isn't life strange?

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Originally posted by Off White:

There's also the matter of context and individual personality. Anybody who is aware of DFA and his flaming left wing liberal leanings would automatically know that the lad was making a joke, whereas anyone who familiar with Trask's knee-jerk right wing scatological spew would know that he doesn't mean harm to anyone on this board and he was making a joke also. Scott'teryx on the otherhand would be obviously making a joke, and various and sundry would be compelled to tear him a new asshole for his chutzpah. Isn't life strange?

You callin' the Doctor a flamer, man? You wanna get kicked in the teeth, or what? [Mad]

[laf][laf][laf][big Drink]

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Originally posted by glen:

WAIT a second...


A strange piece of info has come forth....


Trask has TWO kids?!?!


This is very strange in the context of his average post...


Geee... I hope he wasn't being sarcastic...

So wait... Trask has reproduced..???? or were you being sarcastic?

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Originally posted by Lambone:

Hey, it could have been pornographic rather then violent...


Either way, Scott sits from upon a very high horse...

No, I work with kids who get physical abuse at home. They don't think it's a joke either.


Yeah, maybe I'm being overly-sensitive about it, and maybe I saw the sarcasm, but from where I dwell(which isn't up on a high horse), it's not a funny subject and I refuse to silently let somebody, even jokingly, advocate abuse of children.

So, if you think "Also, if small children laugh at you, just kick them in the teeth when their parents aren't looking" is funny...

Fuck you.

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Right on Scott.


I just think DFA just got a little carried away there. I bet he'll think about it a bit more the next time.


I used to think shit like that was funny until I had kids. I was gonna say "weird how that works", but I guess it's not. It's pretty obvious.


DFA, you probably wouldn't make wifebeater jokes on here because you know there's women (and others) who wouldn't think it was funny. There's probably a lot of other areas you'd be tactful and stay away from too. Just to let you know, most people with kids (and there a bunch of us) just don't think abusing-kids jokes are funny.


[ 10-03-2002, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: chucK ]

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The Doctor understands what y'all are saying. DFA is not about to become hyperactively self-censoring, however, just to avoid offending one or two people once in a while. That kind of attitude, taken to it's logical extreme, would result in almost nothing being funny because it might offend someone. Talk to 20 people, and you'll surely find 20 things that most people would joke about but that each those people finds offensive.


Furthermore, the Doctor would like to clarify that his comment was about a totally random act of violence that he figured most anyone would find ridiculous, which was the point. The Doctor wasn't joking about parents beating their kids, or any number of other more realistic, serious, and likely forms of child abuse, because that shit truly isn't funny. DFA would have said what he said had we been talking about nuns, mothers, dogs, Trask, or anyone, because the idea of kicking some random person in the teeth for laughing at you is so prima facie ridiculous that it's hard to assign any serious value to it.


[ 10-03-2002, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]

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