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CC.com Late Night Thread


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Occupy Wall Street, late night updates:


(Next: Onward to Foley Square)


3:36 a.m. Kitchen tent reported teargassed [fire extinguishers in use]. Police moving in with zip cuffs.

3:33 a.m. Bulldozers moving in

3:16 a.m. Occupiers linking arms around riot police

3:15 a.m. NYPD destroying personal items. Occupiers prevented from leaving with their possessions.

3:13 a.m. NYPD deploying sound cannon

3:08 a.m. heard on livestream: "they're bringing in the hoses."

3:05 a.m. NYPD cutting down trees in Liberty Square

2:55 a.m. NYC council-member Ydanis Rodríguez arrested and bleeding from head.

2:44 a.m. Defiant occupiers barricaded Liberty Square kitchen

2:44 a.m. NYPD destroys OWS Library. 5,000 donated books in dumpster.

2:42 a.m. Brooklyn Bridge confirmed closed

2:38 a.m. 400-500 marching north to Foley Square

2:32 a.m. All subways but R shut down

2:29 a.m. Press helicopters evicted from airspace. NYTimes reporter arrested.

2:22 a.m. Frontpage coverage from New York Times

2:15 a.m. Occupiers who have been dispersed are regrouping at Foley Square

2:10 a.m. Press barred from entering Liberty Square

2:07 a.m. Pepper spray deployed -- reports of at least one reporter sprayed

2:03 a.m. Massive Police Presence at Canal and Broadway

1:43 a.m. Helicopters overhead.

1:38 a.m. Unconfirmed reports of snipers on rooftops.

1:34 a.m. CBS News Helicopter Livestream

1:27 a.m. Unconfirmed reports that police are planning to sweep everyone.

1:20 a.m. Subway stops are closed.

1:20 a.m. Brooklyn bridge is closed.

1:20 a.m. Occupiers chanting "This is what a police state looks like."

1:20 a.m. Police are in riot gear.

1:20 a.m. Police are bringing in bulldozers.


[pasted from one of the many late night live threads re: OWS]






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  • 5 months later...

not sure if i've heard the term multiplexers, but there are plexuses, which are combinations of spinal nerves that serve various regions throughout the body. such as brachial plexus does the proximal limb, etc


they are both way, so they serve as centers for both afferent and efferent systems, as are most nervous pathways

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what part of the L5? spinous process? compression?


one good thing about breaking the L5 is the spinal cord is turing into the cauda equina, and there are no major nerves that are responsible for innervating organs (those end at L2). there are of course the basic spinal nerves, which are important too

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Front part. Did an unleashed high tightrope dismount into the McKenzie river that inadvertently turned into a botched highbar-like dismount which shot me up against a cliff face above the level of the tightrope and then into the river. I ended up collapsing/folding feet-to-face too much after my belt in back snagged on a nubbin projecting from the cliff during my head-down, face-out plummet into the river at the base of the cliff. Separated a triangular piece of bone from the front-top of L5. Spent my fortieth birthday in Sacred Heart in Eugene pushing the drug button. Took about six months in a thoracic clamshell deal to heal up. Never bothered me since so I consider myself lucky in a few ways given the runaway lunacy of a day that I would deny involved any botanical, mycological, or aquavean influences or just being out-of-my-mind desperate to windsurf at the coast on a day it turned out to not be blowing.

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