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Israel /Palistine solution

Lucky Larry

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For all the billions we dump on Israel why don't we take that same money and buy them off to relocate. To someplace where they might actually get along with their neighbors. A neighborhood where their kids can have some fun without guns. Is this too much to ask for? Who ever came up with the idea to relocate them there certainly wasn't thinking in their best interest.




The United States has provided total economic and military funding to Israel of over $100bn since 1962 under the Foreign Assistance Act,[254] more than any other country,[



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I'm not a history or relgious studies major so I probably am misunderstanding the issue, but isn't Jerusalem in particular and Isreal in general condsidered Holy land by like three major monotheistic religions, including Judasim. I get the feeling that persons who happen to be Jewish might be a bit attached to the place.

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Palestine was originally under British mandate. The British gave it up shortly after World War II, and asked the U.N. for assistance in handing the country over to the people. Jews and Arabs had been living there for some time (the Jews, technically, even longer than the Muslims), and the British couldn't get them to agree on a plan to turn over the country, and basically said "here, you handle it."


The U.N. originally planned on splitting up Israel into a Jewish and Arab state, with the Jerusalem area under international control. THe Zionists agreed to this plan, but the Arabs refused, starting months of fighting. The Jewish forces prevailed, and gave the arabs the finger and declared a fully Jewish state. Neighboring Arab countries tried, unsuccessfully, to reclaim the area -- but failed. And here we are.


So, Larry, it's a bit more complicated than the United States just "relocating Jews to Israel."

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Palestine was originally under British mandate. The British gave it up shortly after World War II, and asked the U.N. for assistance in handing the country over to the people. Jews and Arabs had been living there for some time (the Jews, technically, even longer than the Muslims), and the British couldn't get them to agree on a plan to turn over the country, and basically said "here, you handle it."


The U.N. originally planned on splitting up Israel into a Jewish and Arab state, with the Jerusalem area under international control. THe Zionists agreed to this plan, but the Arabs refused, starting months of fighting. The Jewish forces prevailed, and gave the arabs the finger and declared a fully Jewish state. Neighboring Arab countries tried, unsuccessfully, to reclaim the area -- but failed. And here we are.


So, Larry, it's a bit more complicated than the United States just "relocating Jews to Israel."


Jordan was formed at the same time as the Arab compromise.



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Palestine was originally under British mandate. The British gave it up shortly after World War II, and asked the U.N. for assistance in handing the country over to the people. Jews and Arabs had been living there for some time (the Jews, technically, even longer than the Muslims), and the British couldn't get them to agree on a plan to turn over the country, and basically said "here, you handle it."


You are forgetting the issue of Jewish immigration to Palestine due to persecution of Jews in western countries. Several 100,000s Jews immigrated to Palestine between the fall of the Ottoman empire and ww2. Before mass immigration, in the early 1920's, there were a few 10000s Jews for 1/2 million Palestinians Arabs in the area. This is an important 'detail' as it shows how much the formation of Israel resulted from colonization of Arab land.

Edited by j_b
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After almost two millennia of existence of the Jewish diaspora without a national state, the Zionist movement was founded in the late 19th century by secular Jews, largely as a response by Ashkenazi Jews to rising antisemitism in Europe, exemplified by the Dreyfus Affair in France and the Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire.[4] The political movement was formally established by the Austro-Hungarian journalist Theodor Herzl in 1897 following the publication of his book Der Judenstaat.[5] At that time, the movement sought to encourage Jewish migration to the Ottoman Palestine.


Although initially one of several Jewish political movements offering alternative responses to assimilation and antisemitism, Zionism grew rapidly and became the dominant force in Jewish politics with the destruction of Jewish life in Central and Eastern Europe where these alternative movements were rooted.

Look, we moved the London Bridge to AZ, surely we could move the Western Wall to St. George, I mean New Jerusalem. Given we support Israel to the tune of a it being a 51st state I would think all republicans would support this suggestion as a sensible cost saver.

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I didn't say he was wrong, did I? I just don't care. It's a boring topic, that's been beat to death by a million authors. j_b goes after it like he's the first to discover this shit or something.


I never implied what you suggest. It's just that accounting for Jewish immigration before ww2 paints a very different picture than just saying Jews and Arabs lived happily in Palestine until Arabs refused to divide up Palestine. What happened there is a little like if Californian Chicanos decided to secede and eventually put all Anglos in Bantustans.

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For all the billions we dump on Israel why don't we take that same money and buy them off to relocate. To someplace where they might actually get along with their neighbors. A neighborhood where their kids can have some fun without guns. Is this too much to ask for? Who ever came up with the idea to relocate them there certainly wasn't thinking in their best interest.


Maybe many of you clowns should be relocated back to Europe or wherever you came from.

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For all the billions we dump on Israel why don't we take that same money and buy them off to relocate. To someplace where they might actually get along with their neighbors. A neighborhood where their kids can have some fun without guns. Is this too much to ask for? Who ever came up with the idea to relocate them there certainly wasn't thinking in their best interest.


Maybe many of you clowns should be relocated back to Europe or wherever you came from.


wow, sure is easy to get a free and quick education. it's not boring to me at all, thank you one and all.


PS funny anyone should take my BS seriously

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