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Fux Freakout


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BTW: check out the title of this thread "Fux" - yeah that smacks of rational reasonable "debate".


Are you suggesting that you'd defend the network on its Egyptian analysis? Seriously though, is it really possible to have a rational reasonable debate around a media outlet that is seemingly so utterly bereft of credibility? I am willing to be swayed. Please show me some, any Fox analysis you think has merit on the topic that would provide a starting point for respectful discussion about its coverage.

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So, "Fux" it is then. Glad that's settled.


The clip you posted and ridicule reminds me a lot of the hand-wringing you and j_b regularly engage in. Of course your version of doom-and-gloom revolves around the supposedly disastrous failures of capitalism and are as far left of center as Fox is on the other side of the spectrum, but the nature and silliness of your approach is fundamentally identical to that of Beck and others on Fox.

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I would kind of have a problem with a bunch of foreigners rolling into to town, setting up check points, kicking doors down, dragging people away, and throwing them into rivers to drown.


Yeah...maybe just a little problem with that.


But hey...ALLAH AKBAR! or whatev...




I have a problem with things like the death penalty for apostates, etc that you can neither account for by recourse to Western misdeeds, nor seemingly find it within you to unconditionally condemn.


I propose a game where I point out a practice like killing apostates and you strain your faculties to use it as a justifiable response to western cultural hegemony/imperialism, point out that it's no worse than a christian practice that was widespread a few centuries ago and thus exempt from a principled criticism, etc...


And I have a problem with bullshit artists, such as yourself, who rooted for the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq - and the unfathomable human misery those events caused. The message seems to be: our Big Idea projects were (as predicted by half of this country) abject failures...who can we blame? Now you're telling us that you're against "the death penalty for apostates"...as if anyone is FOR such a policy? Kind of like saying you're pro-puppy.


Your mantra seems to be that the Left, whoever that is, has stood calmly by while Islam wreaks havoc. Taking Left and Right out of this and getting down reality, tell me, what have you done personally to forward the cause of civil rights either here or abroad? And no, voting Republican (or Democrat), the very minimum of civic duties for any citizen, doesn't count. Don't worry, I don't expect anything but a dodge or personal attack as a response here. I'd love to discover that I'm wrong, but I suspect you haven't done one tangible thing to advance the cause of human rights either here or elsewhere.


I haven't done anything to personally check any of the bits of retrograde barbarism practiced in the name of any particular religion here or abroad other than not engaging in it myself and perhaps sending a check every now and then. I didn't do anything to stop the slaughter in Rwanda either, but that doesn't render it impossible for me to form moral judgments against either genocide via machete or stoning adulteress' to death.


There are many noble and worthy efforts that attempt to mitigate various atrocities, disasters, around the world that I also haven't played a direct role in, but that doesn't undermine any argument that I may put forward on their behalf.


I'm not sure if you were seriously attempting to pass off the "If you haven't personally engaged in direct action for or against X you can't articulate a moral objection for or against X" into a logical argument, or you were once again subtly using this discussion as a pretext for drawing attention to your own heroic and seldom referenced contributions to the betterment of humanity, so I'll just leave that there unless you want to keep it going.


My critique of what passes for the left these days is that it seems to expend vastly more energy attempting to transmute every violent and retrograde belief and practice that persists in association with Islam off as a legitimate response to western misdeeds or some other equally specious bit of excuse mongering on behalf of a profoundly illiberal set of convictions that's fundamentally at odds with virtually every principle at the heart of liberal western values.


I'm well aware of the left's passionate hatred of many of the economic outgrowths of the liberal social order, which has given us everyone from Marx to Walter Duranty to modern apologists for whatever species of exogenous fanaticism directs its wrath against some of the same targets in the present, but that doesn't stop me from being dismayed by each new manifestation of it.


"Sure the Taliban is bad, don't get me wrong, but they're nothing compared to the depredations of Walmart and as much as I object to Islamism are we *really* in a position to critique it when our rampant consumerism is inflicting far worse violence on the earth....?"





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The clip you posted and ridicule reminds me a lot of the hand-wringing you and j_b regularly engage in. Of course your version of doom-and-gloom revolves around the supposedly disastrous failures of capitalism and are as far left of center as Fox is on the other side of the spectrum, but the nature and silliness of your approach is fundamentally identical to that of Beck and others on Fox.


more gratuitous assertions and lies from the extremist right wing douchebag who had nothing but grammatical non-sequitur to offer for the last 2 pages.

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"Sure the Taliban is bad, don't get me wrong, but they're nothing compared to the depredations of Walmart and as much as I object to Islamism are we *really* in a position to critique it when our rampant consumerism is inflicting far worse violence on the earth....?"


JayB has to make up quotes to render his strawman more credible. He must be forgetting whose side enabled AL Qaeda, the Taliban and other Islamic fundamentalists to crush civil society during the 80's. Then, use Christian fundamentalists in the US to wage perpetual war to control resources in the Arab world. The dishonesty displayed is mind-boggling.

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My critique of what passes for the left these days is that it seems to expend vastly more energy attempting to transmute every violent and retrograde belief and practice that persists in association with Islam off as a legitimate response to western misdeeds or some other equally specious bit of excuse mongering on behalf of a profoundly illiberal set of convictions that's fundamentally at odds with virtually every principle at the heart of liberal western values.


I'm well aware of the left's passionate hatred of many of the economic outgrowths of the liberal social order, which has given us everyone from Marx to Walter Duranty to modern apologists for whatever species of exogenous fanaticism directs its wrath against some of the same targets in the present, but that doesn't stop me from being dismayed by each new manifestation of it.


"Sure the Taliban is bad, don't get me wrong, but they're nothing compared to the depredations of Walmart and as much as I object to Islamism are we *really* in a position to critique it when our rampant consumerism is inflicting far worse violence on the earth....?"


Pure diarrhea. Where on earth do you get this stuff? Seriously. I'm sure given the vastness of the internet as well as the frequency and stridency of this oft repeated, if "seldom referenced", claim you can find ample examples of leftist intellectuals making this argument. Please enlighten us!

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My critique of what passes for the left these days is that it seems to expend vastly more energy attempting to transmute every violent and retrograde belief and practice that persists in association with Islam off as a legitimate response to western misdeeds or some other equally specious bit of excuse mongering on behalf of a profoundly illiberal set of convictions that's fundamentally at odds with virtually every principle at the heart of liberal western values.


I'm well aware of the left's passionate hatred of many of the economic outgrowths of the liberal social order, which has given us everyone from Marx to Walter Duranty to modern apologists for whatever species of exogenous fanaticism directs its wrath against some of the same targets in the present, but that doesn't stop me from being dismayed by each new manifestation of it.


"Sure the Taliban is bad, don't get me wrong, but they're nothing compared to the depredations of Walmart and as much as I object to Islamism are we *really* in a position to critique it when our rampant consumerism is inflicting far worse violence on the earth....?"


Pure diarrhea. Where on earth do you get this stuff? Seriously. I'm sure given the vastness of the internet as well as the frequency and stridency of this oft repeated, if "seldom referenced", claim you can find ample examples of leftist intellectuals making this argument. Please enlighten us!


Diarrhea indeed. Jay can spin a good tale some times, but this is not even close.

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Pure diarrhea. Where on earth do you get this stuff? Seriously. I'm sure given the vastness of the internet as well as the frequency and stridency of this oft repeated, if "seldom referenced", claim you can find ample examples of leftist intellectuals making this argument. Please enlighten us!


Your response typifies your style of "debate". As usual JayB posts a long argument, which you simply dismiss, along with some vapid insults. And you actually expect people to engage you seriously in discussion - there's nothing serious yet alone substantive that you have to offer. And your meme twin is not different.

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You seem to confuse quantity with quality. There is nothing in Jay's post to argue against.


Sure there is. And it can be done with more than a one word scatological retort. However, that would require YOU to actually be serious and exert some sort of effort. Try and do it without throwing in the gratuitous insults - I bet you can't.

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