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Typical dushery


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Trickle down economics and deregulation is what ruined this country in the first place, so why are you morons trying to do this all over again?

actually, seems like those 2 things did their part of the country just fine, which is probably why they'd like to do it more?

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There are tax borrow and spend Republicans just like there are Tax and Spend dems. It's just shocking that you are surprised.


Surprised- hardly at all. Just stating facts baby, that cheesus worshiping, gun touting "new republifucs" are as full of shit as ever. And 4 days after taking control of the house they already dropped 2 key point of their agenda, on which apparently they were elected by uneducated populous- like FW and KKK.

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Where are the tax and spend Dems? I don't think we have seen too many over the last 30+ years. Republicans have been responsible for almost all the debt until Obama was handed this shit sandwich. Republicans aren't and have never especially been fiscal conservatives. That's a myth fed by regressives while they plunder the coffers.

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Republicans aren't and have never especially been fiscal conservatives.

i like ike! :) hoover n' coolidge n' teddy n' taft seemed to be keeping shit to shoe level as well - if only, ironically, conservatives could go back to the good old days? :grin:


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They're all corrupt liars. The R's borrow $ to pay for the Big Government created by D's and perpetuated by R's. They do raise an occasional tax too... D's Raise taxes to help pay down the debt created by the R's. Pretty vicious cycle, eh?

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