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Mystery train, Mountain Home road, Leavenworth


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We had a great weekend over in Leavenworth recently. Brass Balls, the Bone, Angel, Damnation, Catapult, Regular Route Careno, etc. And we met two lovely ladies at Gutav's for some serious drinking around the campfire. You should'a stayed over Crillz!


But my question is this: Does anyone know why there is a train track up on the ridge top south of Leavenworth? It's Mountain Home Road, and about 15 minutes from the Safeway store. And what is in the locked tunnel? It's a minute past the Star Wars boulder.







It's hard to guess at the age, but maybe 30 years old? What's weird is there is no reason I can think of for a train track up there. I don't know of any tracks coming off that ridge around Leavenworth, and why build a track, when there are logging roads all over up there?

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Jeebus, mark! Don't you know anything? That's where they're building that new super-collider atom-smasher thingy that was the talk of the town on this here board a coupla years ago! :rolleyes:


It's either that, or the railway entrance to Hitler's secret hideaway. You remember the Eagle's Nest? Well, few people know that he had a replica built here so that after the invasion and conquest of North America, he would have himself a little "home away from home" so to speak. You know how much he liked Bavaria, right? Well, Leavenworth seemed like just the right place... :laf:

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Much of the land on mountain home road is private property. There are two main owners of the south end of mountain home road, The Bullitt family, and another man (don't know his name) who owns that land. It's his personal train, and train track, apparently he's quite fond of trains. I know he's tried to develop his land into something tourist based but has been shutdown for a variety of reasons, i think the train may have been one of those schemes. Rumors of a certain Ltown/Seattle monkey who was able to drive the train have not been confirmed.


As I said before, the land is private property. Thus, it would be prudent to delete the pictures of you blatantly trespassing, and likewise you should proabaly go ahead and nix this thread.



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the land is owned by bob johnson and family. he also owns the enzian inn and other real estate in worthleavin'. in addition to the narrow gage train tracks, he has an airplane hanger on the opposite side of the road where i used to see a super cub parked. his ultimate plan for that area, known as "snow park", included a golf course and houses/condos. however, contrary to appearance, the area doesn't have that much available water so that plan was scuttled. it didn't help his standing with the county and state that he destroyed a beautiful aspen stand and filled a wetland on the property without a permit. you'll notice he has cut some very ski-run like swaths up the portion of wedge mountain that he owns and that may be part of some new idea. year-round access is stymied by the county's wise unwillingness to plow the road. however, when old harriet kicks the bucket, i'll bet you see a tram going uphill from the green green grass of sleeping harlot.


sol is concerned because some of the developed bouldering along mt. home road lies on private land.

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Thankyou Mark for leaking the truth behind what is going on there. It's interesting to listen to the Leavenworth cabal put their own tilted spin on their one-world government bullshit. Bob is all that stands between us and the heavy hand of government.


I say "Thank you Bob, you are a true American"



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Ran into what must have been Bob & his family (I've forgotten their names) on the way down from a ski tour on Wedge a few years ago. We were respectful of their property & no trespassing signs and they were really nice & pleasant in return. They were making laps on the cut runs low on Wedge with their snowcat and offered us a lift for a lap, which we took them up on. While we were hiking out down the road, they stopped in their tracked all-terrain vehicle and insisted we hop in back for a lift back to our car, which we took them up on and were very thankful for as it saved us a mile slog in our ski boots.

They were really friendly, nice and reasonable folks, can't imagine an access problem if people are respectful and maintain a low profile up there. The tour up Wedge was pretty forgettable so I'm not in a hurry to go back up there, but the bouldering sounds pretty fun.

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low profile is the word for sure. Though given that thought I should probably *delete this thread*? But it's not like folks don't know about it already. Hate to see it turn into the icicle canyon with no trespassing/no camping signs on every tree and pull out. I still remember sleeping at rat creek pullout back in the early eighties, that was all free and there would be 6 tents there on the weekend. Now it's all private land. Progress I guess.

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  • 13 years later...
  • 5 months later...

Looks to be a chapel or church.....per the property outlines as seen on the Chelan County Asseors page https://maps.co.chelan.wa.us/GIS/ Property ID#30028.
Photo taken from a hike this week, standing above the barn.

It appears to be on the same owners land, but isn't included in the improvements/structures breakdown along with the large barn/hangar. Nor is the other structure above the chapel along the ridge line accounted for by the county.

Both are visible on google maps. 47.52672496244515, -120.6786419076031, and 47.524546797153796, -120.68070380839872

The owners certainly have some resources!




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  • 4 weeks later...

Local rumor I heard is the chapel thingy is the Johnson family prepper shelter. Not sure if it's actually a place of worship, haven't been up on Mtn Home Rd on a Sunday. It'd be awesome to hear more and get an official answer on it. 

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