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I heard an interesting thought on the Paul Harvey News & Comment this morning:

Drop pieces of the WTC wreckage from cargo planes all over the Taliban troops.

Probably not very effective, but it would send a message.

Would any of you peace lovin hippies feel different if one of your family members died in the attack? I think you would. Yes, you would.

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Coincidence? Two bushes, two wars? The burning bushes?

Does pope indeed seem to possess the nobility of speech and manner such as I? Perhaps I was wrong in my initial assessments of him. Hmmm....

Caveman, I challenge you to challenge yourself. Remember, your fellow clan-members went extinct due to mal-adaptive responses to an ever-changing environment.

Let us not forget what Jesus came here to teach; a path of love, wisdom, fairness and forgiveness. Perhaps some of you resonate more with the teachings of Gandhi; read him. Mother Teresa? A wonderful and intelligent woman. Maybe the Buddha seems appropriate to you? I cannot think of wiser and more practical teachings than those of the Buddha. I don't endorse a blind faith in any religious figure or their teachings, but so much insight and understanding can be gleaned from an individual who has seemingly moved past the blind genetic determinism that so often seems to be spinning itself out in the global power-plays currently in fashion. Unquestioningly we accept the syllogistic logic of war, while turning all of our cynicism and scorn on those who preach non-violence; does this not seem backwards? Should we not question the practice of violence even more penetratingly, turning a trenchant eye to its immediate effects and future consequences?

Hey, I know I'm preaching here; just musing out loud. So.... Soap-box, anyone?

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That's funny stuff there bubba. You really do like stirrin' the pot huh? I pray to my god ~ Mr. Happy


Originally posted by sexual chocolate:
Coincidence? Two bushes, two wars? The burning bushes?

Does pope indeed seem to possess the nobility of speech and manner such as I? Perhaps I was wrong in my initial assessments of him. Hmmm....

Caveman, I challenge you to challenge yourself. Remember, your fellow clan-members went extinct due to mal-adaptive responses to an ever-changing environment.

Let us not forget what Jesus came here to teach; a path of love, wisdom, fairness and forgiveness. Perhaps some of you resonate more with the teachings of Gandhi; read him. Mother Teresa? A wonderful and intelligent woman. Maybe the Buddha seems appropriate to you? I cannot think of wiser and more practical teachings than those of the Buddha. I don't endorse a blind faith in any religious figure or their teachings, but so much insight and understanding can be gleaned from an individual who has seemingly moved past the blind genetic determinism that so often seems to be spinning itself out in the global power-plays currently in fashion. Unquestioningly we accept the syllogistic logic of war, while turning all of our cynicism and scorn on those who preach non-violence; does this not seem backwards? Should we not question the practice of violence even more penetratingly, turning a trenchant eye to its immediate effects and future consequences?

Hey, I know I'm preaching here; just musing out loud. So.... Soap-box, anyone?

:moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:

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Matt- that is one of the most wholly ignorant things I have ever heard. Israel is in a tight spot and were they ever freed to propagate total war on the middle east with the US in support we would all be taking vacations on the Red Sea with Israeli tour guides. If you look at your history books Israel has a history of restraint, yet when backed into a corner they always seem to KILL EVERYONE neccessary to get the job done.

Get a clue.

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Just teasing, caveman. True, I wasn't there.

And no, trask, maybe that seemed like pot-stirring to you, but I meant it. I guess that's the price I pay for being a smart-ass sometimes; my motives are always questioned. But the soap-box post was sincere.

And dwayner: I don't think it's nice to mock a discussion by calling its participants "arm-chair quarter-backs". These sorts of things need to be discussed, I think; I think discussion can help everyone in hashing out ideas and perhaps learning something we didn't know before. You should understand this, ESPECIALLY if you are an educator. I know that this discussion has had that effect on me. Only by opening myself up to new ideas and opinions can I question my assumptions, and come to understand things anew.

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Originally posted by panther:
If you look at your history books Israel has a history of restraint, yet when backed into a corner they always seem to KILL EVERYONE neccessary to get the job done.

Don't get me wrong, I am a zionist and fully support the US policy towards Israel, but PM Ariel Sharon is bad for Israel, bad for peace, and has shown time and time again he lacks any restraint. [Wazzup]

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