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SW Rib of SEWS: #5 Camalot?


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Quit talking about things you don't know anything about-



Verbatim copy of what he said to me!

I was merely pointing out the ironic fact that he ridiculed me for simply giving beta, when he had done the exact same thing. I see nothing wrong with telling someone you did this climb or that climb, especially when you have something to add to the conversation. I didn't know if Knob Job would go on lead safely. I went and did it just fine so I wanted to tell Keegan it was doable cause he was wondering. Then I get this nice little comment from Mr. Ego. If you get so easily offended, maybe don't come to this site. And next time you want to call me a douchebag, have some solid reason. Not some offhand comment.


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Quit talking about things you don't know anything about-



Verbatim copy of what he said to me!

I don't follow your every post and hang on your every typed word. My life is too full for that kind of time-suck, so I didn't see kinnikinnick's post to you before now. Regardless of all that, the fact remains that you really do need to grow a thicker skin. You are too easily offended and your senseless sniping at others that have ostensibly wronged you is causing the rest of us to grow weary of your incessant prattle. I hope that with age, you will grow out of this phase.


I was merely pointing out the ironic fact that he ridiculed me for simply giving beta, when he had done the exact same thing. I see nothing wrong with telling someone you did this climb or that climb, especially when you have something to add to the conversation. I didn't know if Knob Job would go on lead safely. I went and did it just fine so I wanted to tell Keegan it was doable cause he was wondering. Then I get this nice little comment from Mr. Ego.
The thing about you throwing the same comment back at kinnikinnick is that you've made such a huge douchebag out of yourself on this site already, you come off like a third-grader on the playground with that kind of snarky comment. It's just like that old "I know you are, but what am I?" retort from grade school. Jeezus, man, grow up! While kinnikinnick's comment to you in the other thread was certainly unsolicited (and dare I say instigatory), you would have come off as the "better man" by letting it go and not responding.


Please understand that I'm trying to help you out with a little "life lesson" here. Anytime you re-engage in the behavior that got you branded as a douchebag on this site, you're going to get the smack-down from us here all over again until you "get it" and desist with that behavior. There is an old saying that goes, "The lesson presents itself time and time again until it is learned." Like Gene says, "Let it all go, man." Learning when to open your mouth and when to keep it shut would be a take-home lesson of inestimable value for you here. In short: listen more, talk less. This has great merit outside of internet forums as well. Call it a Lesson for Life.


If you get so easily offended, maybe don't come to this site. And next time you want to call me a douchebag, have some solid reason. Not some offhand comment.
Who says I'm offended?? I'm just entertained by the exhibition of your douchebaggery yet again. But let me remind you that the vast majority of your past posts have given many of us here no reason to doubt your douchebaggedness. We don't need an offhand comment to confirm that.


I don't recall ever offering you one to accept, so the answer to your implied question would be, "No."

Now you run along and have a nice day, ya'hear? You can thank me later, if you like. :wave:

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