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Healthcare Reconciliation Nonsense


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Behold leftist arrogance.


I do just love the way this process was called the "nuclear option" when Republicans were in power, but now it's referred to, simply, as "reconciliation."


Wrong. The two are different; reconciliation operates under the existing rules of the senate which allows a simple majority to call for and hold a vote on budgetary items. The nuclear option was a proposal to in effect, use a simple majority to change the existing senate rules. My ol' buddy Dick Cheney would have cast the deciding vote had it come to that.



So let's try sticking to the facts, hmmmm? And what ever happened to the insistence on "up or down vote" that the Rethugs were so adamant about when the Dems were holding up things in Congress?

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Why hand completely over to government a system that serves 84% of us? Why add compulsory taxes to individuals who currently opt out? Last time I checked, people were free to make bad choices. I have no doubt that the recently unemployed hold a more desperate view of the issue--which is why Obama should be working on JOBS and getting the economy back on track and not this health care nonsense. He held a "jobs summit" back in December and set about working on the issue in earnest. What ever became of it?


Because the system that serves some of us (it does not serve 84% even close to satisfactorily) suffers from skyrocketing costs...unlike about 30 or so other national models. It's doomed.

Even if 84% was an accurate figure...that's not good enough if you're one of the other 16% who might as well live in Botswana.

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