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Yo Bill, you want a tip to make money? Move to Somalia, you'll save in taxes. If you don't pay taxes you'll be rich right?


See Jayb's post as an indication of what I was talking about. He put his money where his mouth was, sold his house and suggested others do the same. It was quite the broohaha at the time, because most folks here thought real estate was gold forever.


Turns out, Jayb hit it, on the money. Why you would ignore that kind of thing and then try and belittle someone who doesn't, indicates what, exactly?

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See Jayb's post as an indication of what I was talking about. He put his money where his mouth was, sold his house and suggested others do the same. It was quite the broohaha at the time, because most folks here thought real estate was gold forever.


Turns out, Jayb hit it, on the money. Why you would ignore that kind of thing and then try and belittle someone who doesn't, indicates what, exactly?


Frankly I don't understand your logic. What's JayB selling his house supposed to show about his nasty politics?


btw, most serious economists have predicted a housing bubble burst for many years, as the article I posted above showed. There were articles in the press about people selling their houses and moving into rentals. So, JayB acted on it, good for him.


In the meantime, he has been wrong about every single political issue I can think of (from Iraq to the trickle down nightmare and finacial deregulation)


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10% unemployment. weve always had 5-7% so 90% are working 5-7% cant find a job no matter what the economy is doing, that leaves 3-5% out of work. i think sometimes we and the media blow things up to much


No. Employment rate is around 62%. Real unemployment is around 20%.

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See Jayb's post as an indication of what I was talking about. He put his money where his mouth was, sold his house and suggested others do the same. It was quite the broohaha at the time, because most folks here thought real estate was gold forever.


Turns out, Jayb hit it, on the money. Why you would ignore that kind of thing and then try and belittle someone who doesn't, indicates what, exactly?


Frankly I don't understand your logic. What's JayB selling his house supposed to show about his nasty politics? btw, most serious economists have predicted a housing bubble burst for many years, as the article I posted above showed. There were articles in the press about people selling their houses and moving into rentals. So, JayB acted on it, good for him. In the meantime, he has been wrong about every single political issue I can think of (from Iraq to the trickle down nightmare and finacial deregulation)


I don't think you understood what I was saying. What I am saying is that he has been right on many things and has concrete examples over many years and years of being so. I have not seen, nor have you linked, anything you have posted of similar concrete substance yourself. That you can jump on here and shit on anything and everything is not being disputed at all. That you "think" you are right is interesting, but has no substance other than inside of your own mind. As far as all the economists predicting the housing bubble, in fact the reverse was true. Few saw it.


Again, perhaps you have a similar link of a call you made, but I am suspecting that you are thinking your brilliance should not be called into question and are ignoring the question:-) You are a sharp guy jb, no doubt, but I think we are discussing different things at the same time.


PS, jayb isn't always right either, didn't say he was.

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As far as all the economists predicting the housing bubble, in fact the reverse was true. Few saw it.


Housing market tumble forecast / Economists see bubble bursting by late next year

June 21, 2005|By Kelly Zito, Chronicle Staff Writer


A long-predicted correction in the high-flying housing market could steer the economy into a recession as early as late 2006, according to a forecast to be released today.


Economists at the prominent UCLA Anderson Forecast have anticipated a real estate downturn for a couple of years, but they have stepped up their warnings in their latest quarterly report.


The reason? Home values simply have flown too high, too fast. In California, for example, home prices have vaulted 70 percent in the past five years, compared with 55 percent in the mid-1970s and 45 percent in the late 1980s.


"Prices are not associated with reality," said UCLA economist Christopher Thornberg, whose paper on the state's economy is subtitled "Beware the Froth!" Home buyers "are gambling on massive amounts of appreciation, and it's not worth the price compared to the rental value. It's a house of cards."

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I don't think you understood what I was saying. What I am saying is that he has been right on many things and has concrete examples over many years and years of being so.


I still don't understand how selling one's house shows that one's politics aren't nasty and wrong.


I have not seen, nor have you linked, anything you have posted of similar concrete substance yourself. That you can jump on here and shit on anything and everything is not being disputed at all.


I don't give a flying fuck what you think. People who read my posts know what my politics are and how they withstand the test of reality. Your spin isn't going to change any of that.

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Hey look JB, wish you said that you already knew everything there was to know and that everything the rest of us say doesn't make a flying fuck to begin with, cause you would have spared me the time of trying to think you were interested in learning something. I guess that I don't need to waste my time again. Good by.


I don't give a flying fuck what you think. People who read my posts know what my politics are and how they withstand the test of reality. Your spin isn't going to change any of that.
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Changing the subject: I know that we both decry the Bush tax breaks for the wealthy. For myself, I thought Clinton said it best when he said it didn't make any sense to borrow the money from the Chinese and indebt everyone in the country into the future so that we could just give it to rich people who didn't need it and were not asking for it.


Indeed, depressions are often correlated with concentration of great wealth out of the hands of the many and into the hands of the few. For those getting hit by this, it sucks, and I do not believe it is over by a long shot.


Regards to all



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The Chinese also love seeing us involved in unpaid wars all over the globe. It's rather odd to see us do to ourselves what we claim we did to the soviets.


So, what do you think of my statement concerning regressives like JayB and FW playing the young against the old to privatize social security and medicare, and playing public sector workers against private sector workers to bust public unions and renege on wage, benefits and pension agreements?

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So, what do you think of my statement concerning regressives like JayB and FW playing the young against the old to privatize social security and medicare, and playing public sector workers against private sector workers to bust public unions and renege on wage, benefits and pension agreements?



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