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Perhaps the greatest measure of Obama's declining support is that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having him as President to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they'd rather have his predecessor. Given the horrendous approval ratings Bush showed during his final term that's somewhat of a surprise and an indication that voters are increasingly placing the blame on Obama for the country's difficulties instead of giving him space because of the tough situation he inherited. The closeness in the Obama/Bush numbers also has implications for the 2010 elections. Using the Bush card may not be particularly effective for Democrats anymore




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Perhaps the greatest measure of Obama's declining support is that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having him as President to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they'd rather have his predecessor. Given the horrendous approval ratings Bush showed during his final term that's somewhat of a surprise and an indication that voters are increasingly placing the blame on Obama for the country's difficulties instead of giving him space because of the tough situation he inherited.


Only Bush conservatives think Obama is responsible for the mess he inherited. Progressives blame Obama for not delivering the changes that are needed to fix the mess left by conservatives, which is the only reason why his numbers are down.


The closeness in the Obama/Bush numbers also has implications for the 2010 elections. Using the Bush card may not be particularly effective for Democrats anymore


Because Obama has chosen to keep the status-quo and progressives won't turn out to vote in 2010 if nothing changes. Mission accomplished for Republicans and DLC Democrats, if it weren't for the deepening social fracture that is sure to ensue.

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Presidential popularity declining after the first year in office has only happened with the last 43 presidents so this is a real anomaly.


Obama's decline is the worst ever recorded in a Gallup poll.


-- George W. Bush, 86 percent

-- Bill Clinton, 52 percent

-- George H.W. Bush, 71 percent

-- Ronald Reagan, 49 percent

-- Jimmy Carter, 57 percent

-- Gerald Ford, 52 percent

-- Richard Nixon, 59 percent

-- Lyndon Johnson, 74 percent

-- John Kennedy, 77 percent

-- Dwight Eisenhower, 69 percent

-- Harry Truman, 49 percent

Edited by Peter_Puget
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Progressives blame Obama for not delivering the changes that are needed to fix the mess left by conservatives, which is the only reason why his numbers are down.


Because Obama has chosen to keep the status-quo and progressives won't turn out to vote in 2010 if nothing changes. Mission accomplished for Republicans and DLC Democrats, if it weren't for the deepening social fracture that is sure to ensue.


Not so fast there J_B....it seems that Obama is losing ground with the folks in the middle. link) The independents and others in the middle are finding out that Obama is not really what he was portrayed to be and they are not happy with what they elected. Ivan is correct they had unrealistic expectations.

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Who decided that disaffected independents are in the middle? you?


Obama's numbers going down could be seen as he showed he wasn't supporting a strong public option that is wanted by more than 2/3 of Americans. I am an independent like many progressives I know and we for sure aren't in the middle.

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the consequence, no doubt, of unrealistic expectations on the part of the voters, yes?


2/3 of Americans want a progressive agenda, what's the hang up? the bankers who own congress?

sure, though there's plenty of other powerful interests dug in like ticks and happy after at least a half century of uninterupted time at the Public Tit

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J_B you're are too funny. If anyone on here is more tied to the left/right dichotomy than you I can't think of them.



Do you support or oppose President Obama's health care plan, or do you not have an opinion?

39% Support, 52% Oppose (chart)


Are you opposed because it gets government too involved in health care or because it would not involve government enough?

90% Too much government involvement

6% Not enough government involvement



Unless of course your idea of progressive is the same as mine....movement towards free minds and free markets!



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If affordable health care for all, clean energy independence, an end to our wars, and drug policy reform are 'progressive', then the 2/3 number is actually correct.


Which of these four initiatives, if any, do you disagree with KKK?


All achievable thru => Free minds & Free Markets!


Trade Freely and don't trade lossy!




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If affordable health care for all, clean energy independence, an end to our wars, and drug policy reform are 'progressive', then the 2/3 number is actually correct.


that as well as regulation of the financial industry, investment in infrastructure and manufacturing, and increased taxation of the upper income bracket.

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J_B you're are too funny. If anyone on here is more tied to the left/right dichotomy than you I can't think of them.



Do you support or oppose President Obama's health care plan, or do you not have an opinion?

39% Support, 52% Oppose (chart)


Are you opposed because it gets government too involved in health care or because it would not involve government enough?

90% Too much government involvement

6% Not enough government involvement



Unless of course your idea of progressive is the same as mine....movement towards free minds and free markets!



anytime these polls ask questions in terms of the framing used by corporate media propaganda ("government run", "free market", ..), the results are conform to the dominant propaganda. Now if you ask people whether they want a strong health care public option to compete with private insurance, the response is at 2/3 in favor of a strong public option. It's the same story about any other type of government programs such as medicare, social security, public schools, etc ...

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J_B you're are too funny. If anyone on here is more tied to the left/right dichotomy than you I can't think of them.



Do you support or oppose President Obama's health care plan, or do you not have an opinion?

39% Support, 52% Oppose (chart)


Are you opposed because it gets government too involved in health care or because it would not involve government enough?

90% Too much government involvement

6% Not enough government involvement



Unless of course your idea of progressive is the same as mine....movement towards free minds and free markets!



anytime these polls ask questions in terms of the framing used by corporate media propaganda ("government run", "free market", ..), the results are conform to the dominant propaganda. Now if you ask people whether they want a strong health care public option to compete with private insurance, the response is at 2/3 in favor of a strong public option. It's the same story about any other type of government programs such as medicare, social security, public schools, etc ...


your phrasing of the question is just as much bullshit - as is your conclusion to what the response means



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How clueless does one have to be to spew about "statism" after having supported policies that cost trillions in war expenditure and even more trillions in taxpayer funded bailouts and unsecured loans guarantees to the financial sector to barely survive the greatest speculative bubble burst since the 30's?


We won't even discuss about having the gall to call that mess "free market". This is way beyond tragi-comedy, rather in the registry of burlesque in fact.

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