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When I catch up with an old timer I'll ask him about this. Dean Caldwell is still around, but that might go poorly.


Hey Dean: "I got a climbing question fer ya" (Spoken in a high falsetto pitch Jerry Lewis type of voice)


Dean: "Ask away young fella, you're going to ask me about 28 days on a new El Cap route with a drunken Warren Harding while the eyes of the entire world stopped and rested on us aren't you...."


Still in a high pitch Jerry Lewis voice: "Uhhh, no dude, don't know nothin' about that" "Hey, on the SE Corner of Beacon there was 2 pins on the first pitch, do you remember where they were?"


Dean: "WTF, WHERE?! Corner? (thinks he's being played) Hey, get the hell out of here you jackass" (proceeds to hit whippersnapper with cane ...)


Scene flows to black....

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Who the hell is Dean Caldwell?

Old Beacon climber...West Face of Monkey....more if you need it....





below (not above) others noticed, even if you didn't.




Back then, top of El Cap, Dean Caldwell and Warren Harding. Ask Pink what this was.


Glen Denny photo

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Dave, what are you using for rope solo, what device?
I'm hoping Santa brings me an Eddy, like JH uses. For now, just doing clove hitch and back-up knots. Pretty straight forward but I don't think I would want to do it that way on anything harder than the corner, which I have ruthlessly dialed. Thought about getting the Cinch but it does not work with bigger ropes. I tinkered with the silent partner last year but think I like the Eddy set-up better, even though I have not tried one yet. I'm hoping I can be a bad ass like JH and do some harder solos once I get the system dialed in. Any other suggestions?
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For a number of years I used a grigri with the triangle tab by the biner hole removed before getting an Eddy. The grigri was servicable enough for all the roped solos I've done except Dods. That I'll only do it with an Eddy, SP, or Soloist (but don't care too much for the latter two). The grigri just cranks you up short too often for my taste, however.

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i fucking hate soloing w/ a gri - i call it the grigrimonster, and it must be feed often or it will have it's revenge - that said, it does work (though sometimes it looks godawful fucked up after you take a fall on it) and is very versatile for also belaying, jugging, hauling and short-fixing - if i win the lottery someday maybe i'll try onna ya'lls fancy devices :)

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