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And as stated several times, they're temp work anchors and they'll be removed this time next year once we check the status of several more loose blocks. No one will be able to tell where they were.


Again, where was your outrage about YW and all the other unnecessary bolts and anchors the were slammed into your sacred Beacon? Kind of a johnny-cum-lately on the outrage and indignation front.

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Yes, I did.


Alex, there is a Fixed Protection Application you can get at the office. You basically fill it out, take some digital shots of where you propose it, explain why you want it, and then the application will get vetted and either approved or disapproved.

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Yes, I did.


Alex, there is a Fixed Protection Application you can get at the office. You basically fill it out, take some digital shots of where you propose it, explain why you want it, and then the application will get vetted and either approved or disapproved.




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Ivan can drill his own damn bolts.....

i can't really - that's why i picked up that ultra-kewl bolt-gun from vertical limit on ebay the other day :)



Lord have mercy.

indeed - i'm fucking up my bad climbing movie references - do believe that was cliffhanger that featured the mechanical hotness


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Ivan can drill his own damn bolts.....

i can't really - that's why i picked up that ultra-kewl bolt-gun from vertical limit on ebay the other day :)



Lord have mercy.

indeed - i'm fucking up my bad climbing movie references - do believe that was cliffhanger that featured the mechanical hotness



looks like MONKEY to me :wave:

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Since were on the topic...


I have heard that in order to place bolts at beacon we have to file for a permit or something? Could someone tell me, perhaps without too much bitching/agenda what the process would be for me to legally place a bolt @ beacon?







Beacon Rock State Park Fixed Pro Application. Don't leave home without one!


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Yes, the second block below the finish of YW was locked in well enough to stop the cascade of falling blocks. Had that not been the case it would undoubtedly kept going through the 'notch' and taken out at least the first blocks of the upper ramp. As it is, the blocks immediately adjacent and on the uphill side of the notch are all suspect, as are the outer blocks of the entire upper ramp finish. But for now at least, the block that stopped the cascade appears to be solid.

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Wow, I would not be surprised if the top part of the final pitch of Young Warriors falls off someday as the rockfall originated right below it and there is a healthy scar there now of some size. Makes you think climbing up thru those rocks right above it what is keeping them in place now.
It's all coming down sooner or later, right? Hopefully, not in our lifetime though.
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I don't think those three blocks are going anytime soon, but there are several at and just above the notch which could go any winter there's a heavy ice load. If they ever do they will all fall on the South Face side of the SE Corner likely causing more of a problem than these did.

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Well, not to stand up for Joseph, but it is a little unnerving in that area up there. If they put the anchors in the fresh rock scar it does make sense, as if you place gear right in that stuff, who is to say its not going to leverage those boulders right above you as they are all just hanging there now, held up by not much. I did not notice any anchors there when i cruised by but didn't really look for them

I am curious though about a set of bolt anchors on the 4th pitch of Young Warriors that is off to the left somewhat near the top of the pitch. They have beefy homemade hangers on them, what route are they for?

Also, probably been asked before but that 2nd bolt on the 2nd pitch of YW, has it ever been considered to relocate it up a little up and right so that the rope runs a little better. If you don't sling that bolt it makes the rope do a 90 degree corner, so i always sling it but just thinking out loud....

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