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Beacon: Opdycke Moving Party...


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i'd love to help when i get back - but it'll be touch and go - my wife is not exactly pleased i'll be gone 7 days and, much as she loves jim, won't likely see the virtue in helping him out immediately upon my return instead of chilling w/ her - so that rules out next thursday - friday or the weekend i could work

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i forget how to get there, will you send me a pm with his address.


Buying you a map for Christmas Bryan...we were concerned that you had an accident and were in a ditch needing our help.....like perhaps you and Kevbone were carpooling over to help out..... :laf:

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Dont forget -we want a tr


I have some pictures I can contribute, maybe someone can type the Ivanesque style literary masterpiece which such doings deserve? I'll start...."It was the best of times...it was the worst of times.... :grin:

so where's the new bat cave? got in at 3 a.m. last night but still made it to work - the valley....hooooooly faaaawk!

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It was the best of stuff; it was the worst of stuff...


People dribbled into Jim's place one-by-one yesterday afternoon until a sufficient quorum of the odd was established and a UHaul secured. At that point everyone sprang to a general confusion of what was staying, what was going, and what was mank. It was an understandable cunundrum, and even Jim had to look at some things twice. The move was coming off like a broken clockwork when the matter was further complicated by the arrival of his ex-landlord who proceeded to make [senile] accusations of us making off with many of the Pardee estate's crown jewels.


Jim was kind, however, and explained at length how either her children or the new buyers had previously fallen upon the manor stripping it like Piranahas and that we did no more than sift through the rubble trying to distinquish Jim's non-video valuables from the general debris. But she wasn't having any of it at first until Jim went all Christian on her and she eventually relented, departing empty handed and complaining she didn't even know her children had sold the family home.


Now this wasn't your run-of-the-mill "move to Beverly" operation, oh no! It was logistically masterful ballet - think Leaf Cutter Ants working in a syncronicity of flurry and fodder to recreate the moulding for a new subterranean colony of one. We were dedicated and efficient, only occasionally stumbling over each other and the various assembled and disassembled artifacts d' Opdycke. All was going well until we stumbled upon the 800lb. trove of large mountain graphics archived with care since the last move. With a full UHaul and a stunned realization they had not been mulched long ago we sat addled, I mean idled, until Kenny charged to the fore rearranging his Volvo to accept the mighty load.


Once we and everything were loaded, we piled into our rickshaw caravan and struck out, zig-zagging on a NE diagonal that cut across grain and grit of SE portland, heading for the Eastern slopes of far Mt. Tabor. That's where Jim's cousin, Tom, lives in a nice neighboorhood with stunning views of St. Helens and Mt. Hood. Jim has rented the basement apartment there and it turned out Jim, Geoff, and Kenny had (thank god!) already moved a significant percentage of Jim's boxed treasures in the days prior to our swarming over the last remains of the Pardee manor.


On arrival we conducted our ballet in reverse with equal confusion around where things that weren't broken in the move should go in the new abode. Jim once again lept in to direct a choreography of the absurd and inspite of all our best efforts we completed Jim's decamping without incident and retired to Tom's patio for well-earned beers and smokes. We remained there on the Group W bench for some time before realizing some late stragglers might be marooned at Jim's old place so we launched ourselves out of our stupor and back into the caravan for a last round of tall tales told in the hedge-lined front yard of Jim's old homestead. Just as we were getting into the good lies Arent showed up with perfect timimg to join the the post-move glory with tales of his own. All in all it was a successful event - mission accomplished even though still I haven't the slightest idea how to get back to Jim's new quarters.


Thanks to Kenny, Geoff, Kyle, Wes, Bill, Arent, and whomever else has been helping Jim get the job done.

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Now that is some literature up there! Great stuff JH. Glad someone filled the Tolstoyeskie hole Ivan left.


So here's some pics for Wayne and the rest of you folks to accompany said trip report:


Jims landlady had been hauled off by the state and placed in a hospital/care facility for almost a year. I talked with her a bit and basically She didn't know where some of the stuff she'd stored in the garage had gone. Of course, no one bothered to tell here the house had sold, for how much or to whom either. She was a sweetheart, but still a tad confused. Bet the confusion did not ease when she found out that the city sanitary people had flagged her home after she'd been ambulanced out of it and that while she was gone, the folks in charge had gone through her house and tossed a bunch of her "treasures" (cough* trash*) in liew of hitting it with a blowtorch.



Jim and the Partee House. Hmmm....party house is the way that's pronounced.



Joseph had rented a moving van, here's Kenny and JH hiding out in it both to keep it organized as more and more VHS bookcases were tossed into it and perhaps so that they weren't having to herd cats.



After the move in the yard.



Folks were hungry, Jim had found some donuts during the move that must have been stuffed under the couch or someplace like it and graciously offered them to his hard working crew. Someone noted that the expiration date was June 2002, 7 years previous....Joseph stuffed one down anyway. Got to love preservatives eh?



Heading home now, Bye bye house.


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