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GOP I trust him but I don't trust you!


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GOP (good OLD party) I think that says it all

Back in the day I voted for Ragan, I bought into that cutting red tape so the USA could be more productive campaign and how company’s would be able to hire more workers BS, little did I know what trickle down economy meant and what it was going to do to me, I got laid off for 6 mounts out of the year for 2 years in a row and my employer paid less than 0 tax during those 2 years that means they got some of mine and your tax money, 200 companies did this for 2 years but laid off workers instead of hiring.

Now my girl friend says I am a news freak I read the paper page to page everyday and 6 internet news sites just to try to see the truth and I noticed that the GOP buys the vote of the country folk like cheap goods at wall mart.

Wake up you had 8 years of GOP and you still have abortion, you had 8 years or the democrats and you still have your guns, and what you think invading a country that never did anything to us for the fat cat oil elite does not equal TAXES and whatup the GOP wants Barack Obama to fail, The dude has demonstrated he is trying to reach across party lines…This is my country my money my job and my life we are talking about here, GOP lead follow or get the hell out of the way.

Barack actually inspires me into believing that he is trying his best to bring the USA into this time of needing more technology and integrity to once again be the best country in the free world


So until Barack Obama lies and sticks it to me like the GOP I’m behind him!


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Barack actually inspires me into believing




Now that was just a plain old stoopid comment.



I, too, am skeptically optimistic about the Obama Administration. Even though his tax-cheating cabinet appointees are full of shit, I admired Obama for owning up to his advisors' lack of vetting skills and effectively apologized to the American people with his "I screwed up" mea culpa. I have to give him kudos that. Refreshing...

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Per what Mr Head speaks of on top: it was good to see Barak publicly come out against the fairness doctrine just today. Rep Henry Waxman had been pressuring the FCC to implement it. I feel that this is one of those stupid, possibly an anti-constitutional idea which many Democrats strangely love.

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Per what Mr Head speaks of on top: it was good to see Barak publicly come out against the fairness doctrine just today. Rep Henry Waxman had been pressuring the FCC to implement it. I feel that this is one of those stupid, possibly an anti-constitutional idea which many Democrats strangely love.

The "Fairness-Doctrine" will simply be repackaged and renamed. If Obama is sincere, then my hat's off to him. But the Democrats in congress just won't be able to help themselves and will, no doubt, try to give Obama cover by attaching the reconstituted bill as a rider on yet another 'critical' piece of legislation they cough up.


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