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there goes my retirement SS


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called rick larsen's office and voiced my opposition to the bail out. from what his stuffer told me there is no way in hell gb is getting his 700 bill. this is a great news. why dump more money? gb is leaving on high note: leading the country into the biggest recession since 1929/30. great choice neo-cons- really great!

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No, actually it is looking like he will get the $700 billion, or something close to that. Sure, they'll gild the turd by capping executive salaries and installing some "congressional oversight"... and maybe throwing some foreclosed-upon homeowners a bone, and that will be it.


It has been made abundantly clear that there will be some form of rescue package by this weekend -- after all, everyone needs to run home and campaign for their seats, so why debate this any longer. Have no doubt, there will be a shitload of money spent as a result of that bailout.

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Sure, plus the $85 billion for AIG, plus Fannie/Freddie, plus the auto industry... still way the fuck too much money. And in a couple of months it will be more money. It will be like the Iraq war -- one unplanned funding request after the next. All of them approved, with pork thrown in for everyone around -- exec pay caps, extended unemployment benefits, tax credits for this or that...


In a totalitarian system at least I know I have no say. In this system I supposedly have a say, but it makes no difference either way... Sometimes makes me yearn for an enlightened despot. If only there was a good way to test for the "enlightened" part before letting them run things.

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Bailout or not, it's virtually no choice at all. The working and middle classes are getting hosed whether it's through increased taxes with fewer services for generations to come in the case of a bailout or another depression if there isn't. Make no mistake, the architects who got fabulously rich off the swindle and the politicians that enabled it are sitting pretty either way.

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