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I'm not up on my Stephen King readings. Which title is that?


Thanks. I didn't read that one, but opted to see the flick when it came out.


The last SK book I read was The Stand, about 30 years ago. Chilling...


Oh, Sobo, you should read the unabridged The Stand. The first one released when you read it had stuff cut out or maybe he just went back and added with the later one. I can't remember which, but I love that book!

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I read the Shining when it came out,payed good money to see the

movie, dug the shit out of the footage of Hood,damm near fell a sleep! The book was way better!


The book was scarier and better, but I had to sneak into the movie since I was too young to go by myself so I thought the movie was pretty cool, too. The miniseries with the guy from WINGS was a closer adaptation of the book.


Though given where I am now, the following version of the Shining would probably be more to my liking then the original.





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Whoah! I almost missed out...nobody told me there was a birthday party going on in here. Am I too late? Have the presents been opened? Has the frosting already been licked off the candles? WHY WASN'T I INVITED?! :cry:



Happy Birthday, Mel! :moondance: :moondance: :moondance:


As for being able to pull off smart AND sexy, let's just say, "You put the hawt in thermodynamics!"

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I missed this thread too. Lack of internet yesterday (either :cry: or :moondance:)


Happy birthday Mel!


I've been at two of the crucial features in the Shining. Mt Hood lodge of course, and the big old hotel where they filmed most of the interior scenes in Estes Park. That place is a cool building, and it's only 5 minutes from Lumpy Ridge :tup:


I did read the Stand while living in Boulder. That was good, but I think I need to hang out in Las Vegas and reread it. :grlaf:

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I'm not up on my Stephen King readings. Which title is that?


Thanks. I didn't read that one, but opted to see the flick when it came out.


The last SK book I read was The Stand, about 30 years ago. Chilling...


Oh, Sobo, you should read the unabridged The Stand. The first one released when you read it had stuff cut out or maybe he just went back and added with the later one. I can't remember which, but I love that book!

He added stuff to the later (1990) version that he had left out of the earlier (1978) version that I read. But by that time, a dozen years later, I was done with reading Stephen King books. I had moved on to James Clavell and Tom Clancy by then.

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Whoah! I almost missed out...nobody told me there was a birthday party going on in here. Am I too late? Have the presents been opened? Has the frosting already been licked off the candles? WHY WASN'T I INVITED?! :cry:



Happy Birthday, Mel! :moondance: :moondance: :moondance:


As for being able to pull off smart AND sexy, let's just say, "You put the hawt in thermodynamics!"



Why would you put frosting on candles? Seems like a waste ;)


Happy b-day Mel!



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Whoah! I almost missed out...nobody told me there was a birthday party going on in here. Am I too late? Have the presents been opened? Has the frosting already been licked off the candles?



Why would you put frosting on candles? Seems like a waste ;)



Duh! So you can lick it off of them! :rolleyes:

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Duh! So you can lick it off of them! :rolleyes:

Seriously! How did Mr. Selkirk make it out of the 2nd grade without knowing that? :laf:


For a true frosting connoisseur Candles are horribly inefficient vehicle for frosting delivery! Mrs. Selkirk swears by two spoons, one for the frosting, one for the peanut butter :)




And if your going to be inefficient, then you should probably have more fun with your frosting than candles could provide.


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...And if your going to be inefficient, then you should probably have more fun with your frosting than candles could provide.

I think I see where you're going with this one, but I would posit that warm chocolate and/or caramel sauces would work better than frosting in this regard... :eveeel:

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...And if your going to be inefficient, then you should probably have more fun with your frosting than candles could provide.

I think I see where you're going with this one, but I would posit that warm chocolate and/or caramel sauces would work better than frosting in this regard... :eveeel:



well someone has to fill in during Archie's hiatus :P

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...And if your going to be inefficient, then you should probably have more fun with your frosting than candles could provide.

I think I see where you're going with this one, but I would posit that warm chocolate and/or caramel sauces would work better than frosting in this regard... :eveeel:



well someone has to fill in during Archie's hiatus :P

Although, I guess it could depend upon the size of the candles, too... :whistle:

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