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Who knows if we are safer form terror. It certainly seems so. These are questions which have answers that belong only to the intelligence community. Agruing about them or the lack of their existence is as futile as me trying to convince you that I am not brainwashed.


Lame. Clearly we SHOULD be concerned about whether our government's actions are making us safer or not, and we SHOULD NOT rely upon the "intelligence community" to tell us the answers.




Has there been a terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11?



From Al Qaida's perspective there doesn't need to be. The US government created (and, through incompetence, nurtured) chaos in an Arab country that had nothing to do with 9/11. They also shipped 150,000 or so high-value targets into that chaos (too few to do the job, too little armour, etc.). The extremists have happily obliged by killing several thousand of them.


What a gift! Al Qaida (and others) can pick off Americans (military ones, no less) with far less risk than attacking the US proper, while the Americans 'prove' to man in the Arab street that they are in fact the aggressive, imperialistic thugs the extremists say they are. The next generation of terrorists recruited and trained, courtesy of W, Rumsfeld and Cheney.


And you cite that situation as 'proof' that something is working?

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What a gift! Al Qaida (and others) can pick off Americans (military ones, no less)


And we can pick off Al Qaeda. No need to go to them, they come to us. You are arguing FOR an occupation of Iraq. :wave:


Al Qaeda can and does recruit new members, however, they have been decimated in their fight against us in Iraq. Most of their leaders are dead, and now violence is down. Hmm...


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Hmm. You are right. It is much better to hire lesbian liberal no bra wearing jews to head up the reconstruction. I am sure that would be the ticket. I am using hyperbole but you must understand that these are not cultural "suggestions" but rather written in stone and blood mandates that must be upheld.


Again, I am not suggesting this is the rationale they are using. Just suggesting that perhaps you all not be so quick to judge and quick to assume the worst and most unlikely and cumbersome of answers to possibly simple quesitons.


Great dodge. While a certain amount of cultural sensitivity is recommended when working in foreign countries, there were plenty of experienced white old guys in the State Department and diplomatic Corps that stood ready and willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work over there, only to be pushed aside by the Carl Rove strategy of getting right-wingers who knew nothing about rebuilding a country.


I'd sugguest you actually read some of these critical books and articles. It's hard to ignore the outright incompetence. And yes, it does need to be examined and criticized. Seems that no one is ever responsible for this administration's messes.

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Tell that to Iran, Russia, Sudan, Syria . . . . .


EXACTLY. They are acting not out of a feeling of "boldness" but out of fear that they are next, a position of inferiority not security.


This situation may not be desirable, but it doesn't change the fact that saying our enemies are "emboldened" is bullshit.


Let me get this straight. When our millitary was fresh, the economy was strong, and world opinion was on our side our enemies were emboldend. But now that the millitary is broken, we can't afford to fix it, and basically everyone hates us, our enemies are running scared??


What the F!@#$%? Are you serious? That is simply inane. Do you really think Russia would have gone into Georgia in the year 2000? Do you really think Hezballah would have had their war with Isreal in 2000?


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What a gift! Al Qaida (and others) can pick off Americans (military ones, no less)


And we can pick off Al Qaeda. No need to go to them, they come to us. You are arguing FOR an occupation of Iraq. :wave:


Al Qaeda can and does recruit new members, however, they have been decimated in their fight against us in Iraq. Most of their leaders are dead, and now violence is down. Hmm...


:crosseye: hah! you must be thinking that by killing 20 of theirs for every one of ours that we're somehow winning. don't think so. they aren't nazi germany, nor are they the soviet union. how many of those dirty, evil (commie, even) VC did we kill for every dead American in Vietnam? The 'body count' was very much in 'our' favor, yet how did that turn out?


as to the level of violence, much of it was based on the reckless release of inter-tribal hatreds, and a fair amount of that has burnt itself out for now.


and I don't know how you can say that most of Al Qaida's leaders are dead. How do you know that? And even if it were true, does it matter? Does that mean that Al Qaida have been crippled? again, i don't think so.

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What the F!@#$%? Are you serious? That is simply inane. Do you really think Russia would have gone into Georgia in the year 2000? Do you really think Hezballah would have had their war with Isreal in 2000?


Russia is pissed off because of NATO expansion. They are not emboldened by us - they are acting out of fear.


Hezbollah, the PLO, and other palestinian terroristts have been doing the same shit since long before Bush came into office.


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:crosseye: hah! you must be thinking that by killing 20 of theirs for every one of ours that we're somehow winning.


And you are saying a 20:1 kill ratio is losing? :lmao:


Well, let me see. Take the Arab population of the Middle East, multiply by percentage of males under the age of 20, by the percentage of that number who have few economic prospects, and then by the number who believe their very culture is under attack by the West (doesn't matter whether that is true, just what they believe).


ummm, yeah, 20:1 is losing.


Your 'military doctrine' is a bit out of date. Unless you are prepard to turn the entire Middle East to glass, then any talk of kill ratios (as though this were a set piece fight) is irrelevant.

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Well, let me see. Take the Arab population of the Middle East, multiply by percentage of males under the age of 20, by the percentage of that number who have few economic prospects,


Sorry, but your simplistic analysis is not playing out.


ow! ow! ow! the force of your logic and erudition have turned all my arguments to sawdust. I should have known better. :ass:

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It isn't rocket science, except to the incompetent simps in the administration whose performance to date has broadly emboldened our enemies, large and small alike.


That's complete and total bullshit.

We have not emboldened any of our enemies - we've scared the shit out of them.


Really? If you believe that then I have a bridge in NYC I'd like to sell you...

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ow! ow! ow! the force of your logic and erudition have turned all my arguments to sawdust. I should have known better. :ass:


read the news.


And sorry, but I can't take anyone seriously with the name "blurpy". :noway:


well, what if my name were KookyKlaptrapKrap? Would you take me seriously then? :wave:


i'm off now to reading 101. this 'news' thing you speak of, sounds interesting, and perhaps enlightening. where will i find it?

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"What a gift! Al Qaida (and others) can pick off Americans (military ones, no less) with far less risk"


Uhm... Low risk? I don't think you are aware how shitty these guys are at war.


ummm...first, I said 'less risk', not 'low risk'. i might also have added 'and a greater likelihood of success'. strapping on a bomb in najaf or baghdad and successfully killing a bunch of people (including American soldiers) is frankly easier than trying to do so in, say, DC or New York. Planting a bomb in the middle of the street and setting it off with your cell phone when a humvee is over it is frankly easier than trying to do same in the United States.


second, I don't think you are aware of how irrelevant being 'shitty' or good 'at war' is in this case. think about it. take your time.


third, I honestly believe the things I am writing here, even though this is spray. we human types are quite adept at self-deception, groupthink, distraction from important things, etc. and I'm certainly no different. So if you can point out where i have erred in my logic, missed important details, ignored an important perspective, then I'll be the first to try to learn from that. But you've got to try harder...


fourth, I see that I am now a 'journeyman', due I suppose to my important contributions to this site. Does this mean that when I lie about what grade I am capable of climbing, that people will believe me?

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That's complete and total bullshit.

We have not emboldened any of our enemies - we've scared the shit out of them.


Did you get that from our intelligence community that Scott seems to worship? That is the dumbest thing you've posted for quite a while.

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