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  KaskadskyjKozak said:

gotta love the "propaganda poster" that dude is holding. straight out of the 1930's


It's called "irony". The American right-wing might want to look it up before they start naming any more government institutions after the "homeland" and things like that.

  prole said:
  KaskadskyjKozak said:

gotta love the "propaganda poster" that dude is holding. straight out of the 1930's


It's called "irony". The American right-wing might want to look it up before they start naming any more government institutions after the "homeland" and things like that.


homeland is bad, agreed. at least it's not "fatherland", and the WOT is not the "Great Patriotic War"



WTF? Just because evil and/or ignorant shitbags want to make one of Obama's names into an issue doesn't mean his supporters needed to play right into it with such a ridiculous overreaction. No, we are not "all Hussein." It's his middle name, and it's not yours, and it doesn't matter to anyone capable of rational thought.

  KaskadskyjKozak said:

homeland is bad, agreed. at least it's not "fatherland"...


I think Cheney lost the rock-paper-scissors on that one. Probably still upset about it.

  porter said:
So perhaps one of you could clear up something that has been bothering me for some time now: Is Barack Obsama Bin Hussian Obama really a muslim jihadist?


Hussian or Hessian? If the later we could accuse of being a goose-stepping Prussian. That, or a mullet-wearing metalhead.



He could change his name to "Beau".


The boy's and girl's name Beau \beau\ is pronounced boh. It is of French origin, and its meaning is "handsome; admirer; sweetheart". Short form of Beauregard, and of recent coinage.


Husayn, Hussein, Hossain, Hussain, Husain, Hosein (Arabic:حسین Turkish: Hüseyin), is an Arabic name which is the diminutive of Hasan, meaning "good" or "handsome".


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