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I fall down....


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Little trail work is all Dane, I wasn't even climbing. Your story is much more interesting and gripping for sure. Welcome back, must have been a long painful road for you both. (not Sobo's head LOL, Debbie I mean).


...and thanks for the well wishes Jefe. I think Ujahn is thinking the same thing as he wants a belay more than a camp bitch:-)

Edited by billcoe
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It has been 365 days since I took this fall.

My Dog, has it been a year already?? I've been off the board for a week or so, and just caught this.


Dane, your recovery has been nothing short of phenomenal. You've gotten out more and onto cooler shit than I have in the past year, and I wasn't even hurt. I am green with envy, but immeasurably glad to hear your good news.


Climb on! :wave:

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Little trail work is all Dane, I wasn't even climbing.

...must have been a long painful road for you both. (not Sobo's head LOL, Debbie I mean).

Trail work!!?? Pffft! At least my head got bungled up while climbing!

(well, actually not, but at least I was at a climbing crag!! :) )

And my head didn't bleed as much as your leg did. :provoke: jk :):wave:

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You guys crack me up...24.gif


I wonder if anyone really realises just how much motivation the CC.com crowd offers the climbing community.


Sobo...that nasty gash was from climbing...in and out of the Ambulance....but stick to the story dude...no one else will ever know :)

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just now saw this story. Quite a bad day at castle. Glad to hear folks are healing up. I've always thought the fault was a bit runout at the start. I've sent a couple beginners up it on lead thinking it was the "safe" pitch of lower castle. I'm thinking there is a couple small wired's in there, but you have to hunt for them...not sure as it's been a while.


There are so many leads out there where we either choose to, or have to run things out on easy ground. We trust in our bodies, and our judgment of the rock quality that nothing will go wrong. This story is a wakeup call. I need to stop running out hand cracks, at 55, hell, I could blow a bicep easily.


My old buddy Jim Phillips pulled a tendon on liberty crack in his fifties, fell off a 5.8 and broke his back. He hadn't protected it because "I never fall on 5.8".


I can remember many, many times over the decades when I would be the only person with a helmet on the cliff. From squamish to jtree, I was/am the geek with the helmet. It just makes sense to me, like wearing my seatbelt. Something you can do to cover some of the "what if's" of climbing. I've always wondered about the motivation behind not wearing one, but like smoking, it's a personal choice.


anyway, great story, and great catch sobo!

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I've been following your trips through the TRs since you got back to the game Dane. You've been a BIG inspiration for me for sure. Keep them TRs coming :tup: :tup: :tup: .


I've been trying to get back after my fall last October as well, but work (and life) has not given me as much time as I want. I'm hoping to get out more this Spring and summer. What you say about CC being inspirational is so true.

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