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Fox News on McClellan book


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The Republicans have drifted no farther to the right than the Democrats have left. Less so, IMO.

I believe McCain is much closer to the center than Obama. In any event, American politics is really not much different now than it has been throughout our history. I'm still willing to bet McCain will clean up in November--if he picks a strong VP.


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Fairweather, I am no supporter of all childlren left behind, are you? I didn't say anything about how education should be Federally controlled -- I said that Republicans don't support public education. Many of my Democrat friends send their kids to private schools, but virtually all of them vote for school levy's and at least SAY that public education is important.


Not supporting NEA/WEA does not equate to "not supporting education". The fact that many of your liberal friends opt out of a system they deem fit for the children of others speaks volumes. I think you just made the Republican case for vouchers.


Environment? Are you kidding? Clinton promoted the salvage rider but Bush, with a Republican Congress behind him, has gutted the EPA and cut enforcement of environmental laws dramatically. I have a friend who used to run one of the EPA district offices and he says the agency has become a joke. Talk to those environmental groups that you hate and they will tell you what he's done for public lands.
Some numbers would be nice. More than just anecdote, maybe? I suspect that EPA's budget has grown just like the rest of the government under Bush. i could be wrong. Maybe it's flat? In any event, it hasn't been "gutted".
25 years ago, the Republicans were for handgun control.
I guess I don't understand. Twenty five years ago Reagan was in office, and he certainly did not support handgun restrictions. Besides; I thought you said you supported the constitution. Huh?? BTW: One hundred fifty years ago Democrats supported slavery. How far back shall we go?


Gay Marriage? Why would this be a national issue when education is not?
Because of the Good Faith and Credit clause in the US constitution.


On immigration, I think you are closer to the mark. Both parties are pandering. The Republicans have to a much greater extent used it as a scare issue, though, as far as I can tell. And fifty years ago they were saying that place of origin should not be a factor in deciding who can come to the US and we should be open to all. They have backed WAY away from this position now.
Again; I disagree. Union Democrat workers seem to make this a big issue each election. Most Republicans I know support LEGAL immigration wholeheartedly. Reagan signed off on amnesty for illegals, for God's sake. Hard right?


searches without warrants are OK as long as the government simply says that a terrorist might be involved?
You bring this one up regularly--but never seem to have facts. The "secret searches" you allude to are not done without warrant.




Now; let's see...in Bill Clinton's first 100 days he tried to nationalize/socialize 17% of the nation's GDP and made gays in the military his second priority. Hard left, I'd say. Cost him congress in 1994 too.



No response Matt? I'll go ahead and put this one in Fairweather's "win" column. :/

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You can put it in Fairweather's "there's no point" column.


If you don't acknowledge that the Republicans' going from supporting the UN to thinking it is an instrument of the devil, supporting public education to seeking to sideline it, talking about national healthcare as a good idea to calling it "evil socialism," and launching an obsession with stem cell research is a sharp turn to the right, --- all-the-while proclaiming the Democrats' interest in national healthcare (first proposed by Nixon) as a sharp turn to the left and forces the Republicans to move right, I'm out of ideas as to how we can have a discussion. There is truly no point.


Rock on, dude. I'll be back to talk politics with you another day, but not today.

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