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You mean those savages that were constantly at war with one another, altered the land (yes they did), took slaves, and loved to take war prizes like scalps, or maybe those down south who cut the hearts out of living victims or clubbed the backs of skulls for "fun"?


ahh and we're back to the fact that it's really hard to generalize.


aboriginal americans behaved very differently from tribe to tribe. some were very peaceful, others were war-mongers, etc etc. some practiced cannibalism (possible most; there's even evidence that SW indians did, perhaps even the hopi).


yer point is that the anti-indian attrocities were justified?

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He spoke about how, in his travels and interviews, he found NOBODY in Tibet who wanted to wage a resistance movement


this is the part that worries me: exactly WHO is the FREE TIBET crowd crowing for?


The FREE CUBA crowd is and was crowing for the monied elite who actually lost something after the batista ouster. the rest (about 70%) WELCOMED the change, but all we heard was the ridiculous agit-prop of the representatives of the previous oppression.


OMG, could the same be happening in Tibet?


A stance subsequently validated by the elections Castro held in 1964 and every four years thereafter...

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He spoke about how, in his travels and interviews, he found NOBODY in Tibet who wanted to wage a resistance movement


this is the part that worries me: exactly WHO is the FREE TIBET crowd crowing for?


The FREE CUBA crowd is and was crowing for the monied elite who actually lost something after the batista ouster. the rest (about 70%) WELCOMED the change, but all we heard was the ridiculous agit-prop of the representatives of the previous oppression.


OMG, could the same be happening in Tibet?


A stance subsequently validated by the elections Castro held in 1964 and every four years thereafter...


he didn't need to; he held voice votes at rallies!

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He spoke about how, in his travels and interviews, he found NOBODY in Tibet who wanted to wage a resistance movement


this is the part that worries me: exactly WHO is the FREE TIBET crowd crowing for?


The FREE CUBA crowd is and was crowing for the monied elite who actually lost something after the batista ouster. the rest (about 70%) WELCOMED the change, but all we heard was the ridiculous agit-prop of the representatives of the previous oppression.


OMG, could the same be happening in Tibet?


A stance subsequently validated by the elections Castro held in 1964 and every four years thereafter...


he didn't need to; he held voice votes at rallies!


...but all we heard was the ridiculous agit-prop of the representatives of the previous present oppression.

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Agit-prop is the word of the day for sure.


Sexy - Have you read any Sherman Alexi? I just picked up "The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven". Holy shit this guy can write! If you're looking for a romanticized version of American-Indian life, this ain't it. I guess his portrayals have earned him enemies in some circles.

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Agit-prop is the word of the day for sure.


Sexy - Have you read any Sherman Alexi? I just picked up "The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven". Holy shit this guy can write! If you're looking for a romanticized version of American-Indian life, this ain't it. I guess his portrayals have earned him enemies in some circles.



he also wrote the screen-play for what i remember to be a pretty funny movie, called smoke signals.

he's obviously a really clever guy (and an arrogant prick, from what a previous acquaintance of his told me!).


i really like his stories.

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Here's a question: If the Dali Lama returned to Tibet would the Chinese really have the balls to arrest him and/or put him on trial? The outcry would force the Chinese government's hand in a big way, especially if he could sneak back in before the Olympic Games began. Seems to me he has the power to effect change now--if he's willing to risk the ultimate sacrifice.

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I don't know, Fairweather. I am no China expert but I don't see them lacking "balls" in a way that would lead me to think they wouldn't arrest him. They seem pretty well determined to hold on as best they can to Tibet and Taiwan and Hong Kong and don't they control Inner Mongolia, too? More than anything else, they seem to think they can largely ignore Western reactions while they pursue their regional ambitions.

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Here's a question: If the Dali Lama returned to Tibet would the Chinese really have the balls to arrest him and/or put him on trial? The outcry would force the Chinese government's hand in a big way, especially if he could sneak back in before the Olympic Games began. Seems to me he has the power to effect change now--if he's willing to risk the ultimate sacrifice.

do you really think chinese government gives a flying fuck what western countries think? plus they know for fact all the fuss would end on empty rhetoric. thanks to bush and his stupidity we have a resurrection of soviet union. so here is the question: when the fuck are you people are going to get a clue what communism is all about!?

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Good points on the situation in Tibet though.



he couldn't be more solipsistic if he were French; he's Oblomov


oh boy, "i" keep searching for "myself", and the more i search, the less certain i am about my own existence.


certainly there is a body. that can't be argued. but what process animates this physicality that is simply a no-self perpetuation of events that conspired towards said body's existence with absolutely no regard to anything "i" might have done?


hell, "i" didn't exist until the possibility of such conceptualization occured with linguistic integration in my first and second year (am i simply a linguistic formation, with all notions of self entirely reliant upon this evolved conceptual web spun out from these algorithmic tonal signifiers?).


someone doesn't know, or else they are simply pretending not to know, or vice versa, or or or

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Here's a question: If the Dali Lama returned to Tibet would the Chinese really have the balls to arrest him and/or put him on trial? The outcry would force the Chinese government's hand in a big way, especially if he could sneak back in before the Olympic Games began. Seems to me he has the power to effect change now--if he's willing to risk the ultimate sacrifice.

do you really think chinese government gives a flying fuck what western countries think? plus they know for fact all the fuss would end on empty rhetoric. thanks to bush and his stupidity we have a resurrection of soviet union. so here is the question: when the fuck are you people are going to get a clue what communism is all about!?


You don't need to convince me that communism is the ultimate evil. It is. But the fact that the Chinese commies have invested a great deal of money and prestige in the summer olympics tells me that they do care--at least a small little bit--about what the world thinks.

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Heard on the radio, today, they are now blocking access to YouTube.


I have only had a chance to glance at these posts, and must go to sleep. I hope to read them later....


Regarding google:

Kissing up to the Chinese government, Google has custom-built a search engine for China and Tibet that censors and distorts information sensitive to the Chinese authorities - "sensitive" topics include "human rights," "democracy," and "freedom."



I was introduced to the Tibetan culture in depth only 4yrs ago. My interactions with TIbetans has changed my life for the better. We will likely never really know what has gone on in the last few days,or the days to come. What we do know is that the Chinese finally decided it was time to take Tibet way back when (after many decades of dispute). Tibetans who are still living in Tibet cannot continue living on THEIR land,practicing THEIR beliefs w/o the threat of torture or death. And as they disperse to various parts of the world they lose a bit of themselves and their culture.


I heard/saw the D.L. speak two years ago in Tibetan TO Tibetans. Loosely translated afterwards, he was encouraging them to maintain their spiritual and cultural beliefs. I didnt sense one ounce of anger in his voice. I was actually working with a Tibetan girl in school at the time. She danced on stage for him. From that day on her attitude changed drastically (for the positive).


My heart goes out to all of them,and everyone else who is at risk of losing their heritage. I have to say, I am a bit embarrassed and ashamed of our country and others for cowering to the Chinese over this issue after all these years. BUT - I do understand why.


Its just a shame.

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do you really think chinese government gives a flying fuck what western countries think? plus they know for fact all the fuss would end on empty rhetoric. thanks to bush and his stupidity we have a resurrection of soviet union. so here is the question: when the fuck are you people are going to get a clue what communism is all about!?


Зто старая песня. Нам надоело. :yawn:



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As far as I know, Tibet doesn't have any oil or other seriously strategic resources. I suspect our government is not likely to get involved.


Yeah - we'd roll right past the PLA if they had oil. :rolleyes:


It'd be one thing if constantly attributing the basest possible motives to every single action this country takes were even accurate, but it's not. I invite you to start counting at the Revolutionary War and work forward, and tabulate how many military interventions which [you believe] were motivated by nothing more noble than a simple desire to for material gain.


List the wars and the probable material gain that [according to you] that served as the foremost motive for participating in them in each case.







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oh boy, "i" keep searching for "myself", and the more i search, the less certain i am about my own existence.


certainly there is a body. that can't be argued. but what process animates this physicality that is simply a no-self perpetuation of events that conspired towards said body's existence with absolutely no regard to anything "i" might have done?


hell, "i" didn't exist until the possibility of such conceptualization occured with linguistic integration in my first and second year (am i simply a linguistic formation, with all notions of self entirely reliant upon this evolved conceptual web spun out from these algorithmic tonal signifiers?).


someone doesn't know, or else they are simply pretending not to know, or vice versa, or or or


You don't remember yourself before you could speak?

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