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your "friendly"china


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reminds me of lincoln's quote, saying that, if the USA were to become a country where we said "all men are created equal" but then made exceptions for women, blacks and catholics, that he'd rather "emigrate to some land where they make no pretense of loving liberty; to russia for example, where despotism can be had in its pure form, without the base alloy of hypocrisy"


sounds like lincoln wouldn't have liked modern china as his getaway...but then he wasn't a climber.

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Speaking of Lincoln, would he have supported a Chinese invasion of Taiwan the same way he supported an invasion of the South to reunite the country?

really different cases right? if lincoln would be on any side in china it seems he'd favor taiwain, since they (the Kuomintang) were the prexisting government that was overthown by the rebels (the Communists). i imagine he'd find mao's egalatarism attractive, though clearly not his atheism. i suspect he'd be unhappy with either side, given the KMT's sham/corrupt democracy and both sides blatant hostility to human rights.

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