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NO b/c your kid isn't old enough yet. trust me you will find yourself attending all sorts of activities you have no interest in b/c your kid does


So true....but I will try to influence my children to a real sport like soccer....


Whatever dude. Baseball rules! Go Cubs!! :)


so does chess but watching it is boooooring! cubs suck, go cards!

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NO b/c your kid isn't old enough yet. trust me you will find yourself attending all sorts of activities you have no interest in b/c your kid does


So true....but I will try to influence my children to a real sport like soccer....


Whatever dude. Baseball rules! Go Cubs!! :)


so does chess but watching it is boooooring! cubs suck, go cards!


Like NASCAR……Baseball should be banned from TV. Unlike Baseball……NASCAR should be banned altogether….. talk about a blatant waste of fossil fuels

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NO b/c your kid isn't old enough yet. trust me you will find yourself attending all sorts of activities you have no interest in b/c your kid does
No minxy...that's not quite right...i find that recordings "suggesting" that what i like is the only activity that they like played on repeat all night long has been the ticket...i have 2 ropeguns under development...i have not yet begun (cue: evil sinister maniacal laughter) brainwashing the 21 month old little girl...at 2 years, intense doctrination into the climbing world will begin for her!!!



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holy crap... we're still in winter and the season has started already. First practices were this past weekend.


Anyone else got kids starting baseball?


we did base ball with Thing 2 last season. I hated it. I have never spent so much time so angry and frustrated with adults that i don't know in my whole life. the parents were creeps and the coach said that we need not apply this year becuase my kid wasn't good enough to play Babe Ruth baseball. and if he wanted to continue he might want to consider a lesser leauge... :sick::rolleyes:


that was the end of our involvement in organized sports

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So what, in this asshole's mind, constitutes "not good enough" for a kid playing ball? I thought it was about having some fun and batting/catching/throwing a ball around. This clownpuncher apparently is one of those "win at all costs" coaches, eh?


WTF, does he have to increase his winning percentage so he gets picked up by the NY Yankees as their new head coach? :rolleyes:


The minute my son's coaches take this attitude, we're outta there. I don't see that happening, because all of the practices and games that I've been to already (like 4 or 5 now), the coaches just let them have fun and run around and hit and throw. They all seem to laugh and have fun, and there's no big emphasis on being "good enough" to play.


Last year we had Nicholas in youth soccer. He had one of "those coaches" that yelled at the kids (they're 4 freakin' years old, fer chrissakes), the parents on the sidelines yelled at the kids, and none of the kids looked like they were having any fun. They reacted out of fear, it occured to me. Fear of dissapointing their parents, fear of dissapointing the coach, fear of just not knowing what they should be doing. Nick wanted out of it pretty quickly, so we were gone after the second practice/game. His view of soccer is clouded by that experience now.


A shame, since I was pretty good at it as a kid growing up in Italy, and wanted to share the sport with him. Now we just kick the ball around the back yard and play with the local kids out in the street. He likes it a ton better this way.

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So what, in this asshole's mind, constitutes "not good enough" for a kid playing ball? I thought it was about having some fun and batting/catching/throwing a ball around. This clownpuncher apparently is one of those "win at all costs" coaches, eh?


WTF, does he have to increase his winning percentage so he get picked up by the NY Yankees as their new head coach? :rolleyes:


The minute my son's coaches take this attitude, we're outta there. I don't see that happening, because all of the practices and games that I've been to already (like 4 or 5 now), the coaches just let them have fun and run around and hit and throw. They all seem to laugh and have fun, and there's no big emphasis on being "good enough" to play.


you are so lucky!!!


our season started bad last year when Thing 2 had to Try Out to play ball and then while trying out he was playing catch with a kid who's parent called him over and told the kid to go outside and come back in so he could get somone else to play catch with cus my kid was making him look bad.


it is a good thing i was not there.


I thought my kid played great. he started to understand the game, he was motivated, followed the coaches instructions, hustled all season and even hit a few balls. I was really proud of him. I could have killed that coach. now Thing 2 has NO interest in playing sports at all and he is actualy fairly athletic.

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Muff, that's a crying shame what those parents made their kid do. I'd have probably killed someone, too. How has youth sports gone from what it was 30-40 years ago to what it is today? It's all about winning and "looking good" these days. Is this a reflection of what we see in "professional" sports? Players gotta take HGH so that they can hit more homers, sack more quarterbacks, drain more 3-pointers, etc.?


Sure, we hated to lose when we were kids, and we loved it when our team won. But on or off the field, it was still all about having some fun with your buds, even if they were on the opposing team.

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Muff, that's a crying shame what those parents made their kid do. I'd have probably killed someone, too. How has youth sports gone from what it was 30-40 years ago to what it is today? It's all about winning and "looking good" these days. Is this a reflection of what we see in "professional" sports? Players gotta take HGH so that they can hit more homers, sack more quarterbacks, drain more 3-pointers, etc.?


Sure, we hated to lose when we were kids, and we loved it when our team won. But on or off the field, it was still all about having some fun with your buds, even if they were on the opposing team.


so true. one of the things that we learned, by not being the best and not ONLY having the best players on our teams was that it is okay to fail sometimes, and that you will servivie not being the BEST and perfect at everything. that you can have fun and not be great at something and that there is room for everyone on a team. no one loves to lose. but i would rather lose and play fair and be inclusive than win and be a dick.

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thats just stupid, muff


i always found that the soccer parents were really supportive. my son loved that for several years and still has no interest in baseball.


Thing 1 played soccer in kinder 1st and 2nd grade. it wasn't as bad, but he was a totaly a daisy picker and parents and the coach mentioned on several occasions that maybe he shouldn't play. I think it may be the area we live in.

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Parents who push their kids too hard are miserable with their own lives.

Just ask my daughters.


Just kidding. I am happily regaining my climbing strength and my girls are scaling down their athletic aspirations in favor of climbing and skiing.

Olivia and I will be on Rainier June 27-30.

Meredith is more into a sunny day on a crag.

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So sorry to hear about your kid's experience, Muffy. And about you. We need to talk!


We had one bad little league coach. A former semi-pro player who was used to coaching older boys then took on his son's T-ball team. It was a nightmare. He was trying to get 4 and 5 year olds to do drills the very first practice. My hubby, who coaches soccer, went to him and said he might want to first start with teaching the kids how to put on their gloves and what each of the bases is called. We changed teams the next season and have had two really great coaches since then.


On a side note, my son is so excited. They are having a LL day at a Mariners game in May. He's never seen a game live and will get to parade around in his uniform. That what LL should be about. Having fun and creating memories!




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baseball does screw 'em up...look at me!! Played 3rd base and short stop for 7 years...stupid sport...


dumb sport...one guy gets all the action (pitcher), catcher gets to play target...the rest of the team stands there counting clover leaves...UNTIL, that one time shot at glory comes your way...oh, yeah, and you get to swing a stick at a ball a couple of times...and let's not forget the chants "we wanna pitcher, not a belly itcher, blah blah blah"...


once again i reiterate "b ball :tdown:"


I'm takin my kids climbing/campin'/skiing and for organized sports...soccer...


strength training comes from climbing team practice and swimming laps...yep...got it all figgered out now...


send me a check for $19.95 and i'll develop a parenting plan for you too! :smirk:

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