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2nd Amendment freedoms restored in National Parks?


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What are people so fearful of that they need a gun in a national park? Seems that Americans are getting more afraid of their own shadows these days. Learn to be aware of you surroundings, travel consciously, and get used to not being the top of the food chain. I've worked in grizzly country on several projects over the past 5 years and you just have to be aware. And a pistol will just likely ensure you'll get a bear pissed and you will get shredded.


And is it possible to encounter Charles Manson at the trailhead? I guess. But it's more likely you'll die from a drunk on I405 and I wouldn't suggest arming your car with missles. It's really not so scary in the real world. Don't get suffocated by the long shadow of security.


BTW I'm all for hunting, just not in National Parks. They were establisted for a different mission than Forest Service and BLM land; and there's plenty of that for hunting.

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I've never felt threatened by any wildlife here in Washington State. The gun, if I carry it, is for trail head idiots of the human kind.

yes, after reading your shit i must admit your are most definitely one of them......


Fortunately for American citizens, your green card won't get you a permit, tool.

hey jizzface- i have a us passport, so suck shit through the tube and enjoy it wanker.

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