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Seems like we just finished doing this nasty topic not too long ago. Back so soon!


Rather than commenting on abortion, I'll say that there are indeed cultures that reckon age from the time of conception, Korea for example.


Are you certain? I was under the impression they counted a person's age as "one" (in their first year), "two" (in their second year), and so on.

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For the pro lifers out there……


Why do we start counting our lives from birth and not from when we are conceived? It seems if we are “alive” then we should be nine months old when we are born.


it depends on the culture. I know for a fact that in Korea they count from conception. but you don't come out being 9months old. you come out being a one year old gift from buhda himself!

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The supreme court decided that if you are sperm, that is not a human. If you do not have heart, or lungs, or a brain (like a recently fertilized Egg), that is also not human. You are not alive with out a Heart, lungs or brain. Fetus's do not have these at conception, like little hands, they have none, they will develop hands and feet....


It is, however, the POTENTIAL for life. Now if you believe that the potential for life is in fact life, and the Pope does, then wacking ones pud and sending the potential for life down the drain is a serious offense.


Thus spoke the justices in the Roe V Wade case. We have legal scholars onboard, mayhaps one may now speak up and further define these facts? Regardless of what we THINK or personally FEEL, this is the law.

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The supreme court decided that if you are sperm, that is not a human. If you do not have heart, or lungs, or a brain (like a recently fertilized Egg), that is also not human. You are not alive with out a Heart, lungs or brain. Fetus's do not have these at conception, like little hands, they have none, they will develop hands and feet....



What about plants? They have no heart, brain and lungs…..yet I believe them to be alive.

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