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Truck nuts - yea or Nea?


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BTW, mods, you've done an excellent job in the TR section. Out of all the posters on this site, only FW and KKK have taken my postings there and dragged them into Spray, but the good vibes from everyone else drowns that shit out pretty effectively.


I don't recall ever posting anything but compliments or TRs there, but if you've evidence that my memory is selective, feel free to let me know, then kindly burn my village to the ground with me in it.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Frankly, we're all pretty sick and tired of this donkey show, which all too often includes Fairweather and Hugh Conway to boot. All of the mods and admins consider fucking with people over their TR's to be over the line, and this includes making fun of the way someone looks. Time and again, TR's prove to be both the most popular and some of the best content this site provides, and nasty little shenanigans that dissuade others from posting their reports are not welcome.


KK, the fact that you post your TR's under a different avatar only underlines the fact that you know exactly what I'm talking about.

I'll second that, I think more than half the posts are from the same few folks going back and forth. A little fun jab now and then is one thing but dominating the whole site gets a bit tiresome for the rest of the users (at least for me anyway). Someone even came up with a great idea of a dedicating bashing thread but it did not catch on I guess. Maybe you guys could settle this with a thumb war or pistols at 50 paces or something?
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I'll second that, I think more than half the posts are from the same few folks going back and forth. A little fun jab now and then is one thing but dominating the whole site gets a bit tiresome for the rest of the users (at least for me anyway). Someone even came up with a great idea of a dedicating bashing thread but it did not catch on I guess. Maybe you guys could settle this with a thumb war or pistols at 50 paces or something?


it wasn't always like this. it started around 9/06. :grlaf:



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Which way is the gully? Which way is the gully? ...Textbook Mountie can't find his ass with both hands 'cause they tangled up with his ball sack.


Wait, wait, I forgot to edit.


If there's a shitty gulley within a hundred miles, a Mountie can find it.


Actually, I'm grateful to the Mounties for their inexpensive and comprehensive courses which made a big difference when I was first starting out. The Everett Branch was a really fun group at the time.

Brag as you will about the Mounties, they were unable to teach me a thing about finding shitty gulleys. My skill in this regard is supreme.

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