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Holy shit! :lmao: I checked out their website and found a few more priceless one-liners:




Good find, builder.


TREETOAD "found" it last week: 12th post down from the top of the page...


Gotta admit though, they do have the marketing one-liner down to a fine art. I bet there's a lot of Nervous Nellie's out there lining up to buy it for their Weekend Warrior SO's for Christmas.


The next logical step, from their advertising agency's POV, is to put their TV ad up immediately following the next Mt. Hood/Mt. Rainier/Crystal Mountain tradegy. That'll be sure to increase publicity and $ale$... :rolleyes:

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Wedged upside down at the bottom of an avi-packed crevasse? No problem. Just press a button and a Life Flight chopper filled with hawt nurses and buff EMTs, Chinese take out, and fresh coffee descends on your hurtin' ass in under a minute like Delta Force in angel-wear. You'll be laughing about it over beers by dinnertime.


Because the difference between working your stiffy and being a stiffy is your willingness to add our shit to your already bloated credit card balance.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Wedged upside down at the bottom of an avi-packed crevasse? No problem. Just press a button and a Life Flight chopper filled with hawt nurses and buff EMTs, Chinese take out, and fresh coffee descends on your hurtin' ass in under a minute like Delta Force in angel-wear. You'll be laughing about it over beers by dinnertime.


Because the difference between working your stiffy and being a stiffy is your willingness to add our shit to your already bloated credit card balance.




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How SPOT works.


1) Victim presses Distress Button.

2) SPOT sends signal to global rescue satellite network.

3) Starship Enterprise picks up distress signal and homes in on it at warp factor nine.

4) Captain Kirk beams down to accident site, gets bitten by the Mugatu, fucks the alien witch doctress with the Mexican Jumping Root and jealous husband, meanwhile the Enterprise's main computer is taken over by midget who's done way too much trania who then sends the Enterprise spiraling towards the planet surface, Kirk has to fight the husband with some giant plastic Hawaiian forks, Kirk almost gets his tunic ripped off, Spock and Scotty show up and tase the aggro motherfucker with the giant salad fork, the witch doctress says "fuck it, you'er a pussy anyway" to Kirk, everybody beams back up to the Enterprise, isolates the midget in the Vjer probe and blasts his shrimpy ass into deep space, and Kirk finally gets his memory back just in time to miss the deadline for reporting back to Star Fleet Command.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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