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If you had four months to travel and climb...


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yeah...its known for that...also skiing...


I traveled thrugh there a bit after i sent my rock shit home and was kicking myself though...seemed like everytime the train turned the corner some euro dork was climbing on a cliff...The whole continent is geared for rock, honestly...

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What's with this summer only? Move to La Grave France You'll need 12 months though. Most importantly for the skiing and ice climbing in the winter!!! Then you've got all summer for alpine rock climbing in the big national park there. :tup::tup:


La Grave


If you get really board you're only a couple hours from the mediterranean.

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Thailand is pretty kid friendly; we saw numerous families with kids of all ages out climbing. You just toss your kids in the water and climb - there is no current or surf and it's quite safe. There are also a bunch of moderate kids routes. That said I think that the summer months are Thailand's rainy season.


When I was a kid my parents dragged me all over Asia and South America... it was a wonderful experience that I still remember vividly.

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Hey RuMR-


Once I got to Spain this Spring with TimL and his boss it was *relatively* cheap- we did some great Limestone cragging where you could camp for free or cheap- same goes for the south near Tarifa- bullet hard sandstone, great beaches, lots of castles, etc. that the boys would love. Might be a little warm in the summer, but holy sport climbing cow. I can't wait to go back...


I would also say that if you wanted to stay local, there is a TON of new sport climbing here in Mazama that would keep you busy for a few weeks- hard shit I can't climb and lots of stuff I can. Skaha is definitely not the epicenter of culture, but the boys would dig it, too and it's 2 hours or so from here, then up to Lake Louise...

Edited by fredrogers
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should've specified...S U M M E R time


wife and i are tossing around the idea of taking a LOT of time off for our 40th birthday...


should've also specified...must have other activities besides climbing and climbing must be stellar...


i'm kinda leaning toward spain, or france, or italy...oh shit, i dunno...


Dude, if your coming over hear come either in the Spring or the Fall. It's way to hot in the summer, unless you want to sit on the beach and look at b(*)(*)bies. Plus, the sarge and I are coming back to the States in July for a good 4 to 6 months.


Where to go is a question I'm also pondering. Been to the Bugs several times, Yosemite many times, Rockies many times, Yosemite too many times, Squamish a billion times and the Cascades a trillion times. Looking for something new to keep up interest. A good mix of alpine rock and good cragging.

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Hey RuMR-


Once I got to Spain this Spring with TimL and his boss it was *relatively* cheap- we did some great Limestone cragging where you could camp for free or cheap- same goes for the south near Tarifa- bullet hard sandstone, great beaches, lots of castles, etc. that the boys would love. Might be a little warm in the summer, but holy sport climbing cow. I can't wait to go back...


I would also say that if you wanted to stay local, there is a TON of new sport climbing here in Mazama that would keep you busy for a few weeks- hard shit I can't climb and lots of stuff I can. Skaha is definitely not the epicenter of culture, but the boys would dig it, too and it's 2 hours or so from here, then up to Lake Louise...


Can't wait to have you back!

Edited by TimL
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We'll talk. If I were to come to Spain in the Summer I would fly into Barcelona. See the city for a couple of days. Go up to Montserrat. See the church and climb a day or two (it will be hot). I'd then go to the Pyrennes. It will be nice and cool there. There are many small towns with old rocks (what I like to call historic churches and castles) and plenty of real rock climbing. Plus in the Pyrennes you have tons refuges where they serve full board, food and breakfeast. You can do these week long hiking circuits with the family that fo from hut to hut. The Pyrennes are fairly close to the beach so you can go see boobies there after your done with the mountains. After the Pyrennes I would go over to Asturias to a range called Picos de Europas. Once again tons of climbing. Totally different culture. Great food. Close to the beach and tons of old rocks to look at (historical crap). Only bad thing about the boobies at the beach. 98% are what you really don't want to see. 1% is OK. and .25% is :wazup:


Email me if you have any more questions. Gotta go work. At least a little bit.

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where would you go??


then don't ask fuck wadd.


where does it mention kids or a wife? don't be such a little bitch. edit your first post.

Do you need a tissue? Did kevbone just tell you he a headache? :lmao:





whiny little bitch...



RuMR, you hit like a fucking girl. now STFU and go get me a beer.

Edited by pink
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We'll talk. If I were to come to Spain in the Summer I would fly into Barcelona. See the city for a couple of days. Go up to Montserrat. See the church and climb a day or two (it will be hot). I'd then go to the Pyrennes. It will be nice and cool there. There are many small towns with old rocks (what I like to call historic churches and castles) and plenty of real rock climbing. Plus in the Pyrennes you have tons refuges where they serve full board, food and breakfeast. You can do these week long hiking circuits with the family that fo from hut to hut. The Pyrennes are fairly close to the beach so you can go see boobies there after your done with the mountains. After the Pyrennes I would go over to Asturias to a range called Picos de Europas. Once again tons of climbing. Totally different culture. Great food. Close to the beach and tons of old rocks to look at (historical crap). Only bad thing about the boobies at the beach. 98% are what you really don't want to see. 1% is OK. and .25% is :wazup:


Email me if you have any more questions. Gotta go work. At least a little bit.

Damn Tim, you are livin' the life!!! Do you think you could handle the whole clan?? Drew's crankin' 5.11's now...

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where would you go??


then don't ask fuck wadd.


where does it mention kids or a wife? don't be such a little bitch. edit your first post.

Do you need a tissue? Did kevbone just tell you he a headache? :lmao:





whiny little bitch...



RuMR, you hit like a fucking girl. now STFU and go get me a beer.

i may hit like a girl but kevbone will enjoy the new toofless you by the time i'm done with you...


PS: I just hocked a loogie in your brew, babe...

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