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Divorce = SUV


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I'm eagerly awaiting the prospect of activists festooning couples emerging from divorce court proceedings with "I'm Changing the Climate!!!" stickers on account of the excess C02 emissions that their selfish lifestyle choices are leading to, and the effects that the said choices will have on every other living occupant of the planet.


"Environmentalists who are thinking of getting a divorce may want to reconsider, a new study at Michigan State University finds.


Households in which a divorce occurs have a greater negative impact on the environment in terms of efficient use of resources than the households of married couples, according to research that will be published this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


The reason is simple — it's all about efficiency, says Jianguo Liu, lead author of the study who has the Rachel Carson chair in ecological sustainability at the university's department of fisheries and wildlife.


"In the divorced households, the number of people is smaller than in married households," Liu told ABCNEWS.com. "The resource efficiency used per person is much lower than in married households."



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Now, let me get this straight. If you have a whole house to yourself, it's more...no wait, less...yeah, that's right, I think...less efficient than if people, let's see, share, yeah, that's right, share a house.


That's fucking amazing. Thanks for posting.


I'm astonished that you haven't seized upon the opportunity to pontificate on behalf of a set of C.A.F.E. standards that would limit the scope of the damage that these selfish life choices inflict on the planet.












Individuals have shown that they have little or no capacity to govern their relationships in a manner that minimizes CO2 emissions, ergo the case is clear that the said behaviors need to be subject to the appropriate international regulatory framework.


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Now, let me get this straight. If you have a whole house to yourself, it's more...no wait, less...yeah, that's right, I think...less efficient than if people, let's see, share, yeah, that's right, share a house.


That's fucking amazing. Thanks for posting.


I'm astonished that you haven't seized upon the opportunity to pontificate on behalf of a set of C.A.F.E. standards that would limit the scope of the damage that these selfish life choices inflict on the planet.












Individuals have shown that they have little or no capacity to govern their relationships in a manner that minimizes CO2 emissions, ergo the case is clear that the said behaviors need to be subject to the appropriate international regulatory framework.


Clearly this is incompatible with a Hayekian worldview. The Viennese school is rolling over in their grave! Praise friedman and pass the pink sheets!

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Which headline below is NOT from The Onion?


  • Local Radio Station Has Got Some Doobie Brothers Coming Up For You
  • Study: Casual Sex Only Rewarding For First Few Decades
  • Divorce isn't resource efficient, study finds
  • Third-Grade Scientists Successfully Vaporize Water

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Climate heroes for sure, but bush-leaguers compared to the folks living in Colorado City, AZ and Bountiful, BC.


Please explain how multiple progeny benefit the environment. Average age of resident in Colorado City, AZ = 14


I eagerly await your snide, dismissive, non sequitar reply.


Seems like you'd have to evaluate that in terms of something like:


Total Consumption = Resource Use Per Person * Number of Persons.


The polygamists doubtless do well on the resource use per-person front, but probably not so well on the number of persons front.


For those who are truly sincere in their convictions and their desire to save the earth from the impending climate catastrophe, the implications are clear: they can maximize their impact on both fronts by killing themselves before they have a chance to reproduce.

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Seems like you'd have to evaluate that in terms of something like:


Total Consumption = Resource Use Per Person * Number of Persons.


Since dP/dt >> 0 for polygamists and dP/dt == 0 for the Socialist collective, even a Viennese economist could figure out which does more damage!


If I were liberal I'd be in favour of politics based genocide. If I were conservative I'd be in favour of economic genocide.


I'm an anti-Onanist. Death to palms and digits.


PS: If you are so anti-America JayB, why don't you leave? There are free market paradises such as Singapore crying out for such strong able bodied workers as yourself. Why are you wasting yourself on an America that doesn't love you?

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Hey Jay, why don't you lobby to have divorce quotas bundled in with your highly successful structural adjustment programs for developing countries. What a way to boost consumption!


If they wanted to really go green and reduce the "capita" portion of the resource consumption equations, collectivizing agriculture is clearly the way to go. It has no equal in that regard. Just ask the Ukrainians, Chinese, and North Koreans.



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Hey Jay, why don't you lobby to have divorce quotas bundled in with your highly successful structural adjustment programs for developing countries. What a way to boost consumption!


If they wanted to really go green and reduce the "capita" portion of the resource consumption equations, collectivizing agriculture is clearly the way to go. It has no equal in that regard. Just ask the Ukrainians, Chinese, and North Koreans.



KK Found! He's talking out of Jay_B's ass! :wave:

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Hey Jay, why don't you lobby to have divorce quotas bundled in with your highly successful structural adjustment programs for developing countries. What a way to boost consumption!


If they wanted to really go green and reduce the "capita" portion of the resource consumption equations, collectivizing agriculture is clearly the way to go. It has no equal in that regard. Just ask the Ukrainians, Chinese, and North Koreans.



KK Found! He's talking out of Jay_B's ass! :wave:


Clearly. I'm looking forward to the seeing all of the data that support a contrary conclusion.



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