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Stem Cell Win-Win


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Agreed that this is exciting work, but is it really win-win when some of the world's top scientists must contribute so much of their energy away from medical progress just so they can appease a ridiculous moral class. Imagine a farmer with a crop of corn, unable to harvest, and forced instead to figure out how to grow corn on trees. Does not seem like the most beneficial use of resources.

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Agreed that this is exciting work, but is it really win-win when some of the world's top scientists must contribute so much of their energy away from medical progress just so they can appease a ridiculous moral class.




1) any advance in knowledge is important and any understanding of how to manipulate, even alter cells differentiation is huge

2) "ridiculous moral class" - like when a liberal opposes the war or a vegan eating meat, or execution of murderers? you need to learn respect for another "moral" perspective


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Regarding the moral class, I highly doubt the average opposition would care at all about stem cell research (in fact i suspect they would support it) if it weren't for the prominent political-religous figures speaking against it.


of course opposition to genetic manipulation of crops is just fine with you... and opposition to it has nothing to do with "political-ecological(earth-worship)" figures speaking against it


anyways, let's not bicker and be happy for good news from scientific research today!

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When do I stop being a noob?


If you were any sort of a climber you'd be able to answer my Black Peak-in-winter question in the N. Cascades TR section. I think you R a pozer.


anybody that's asking if a boulder field at ~ 5600' of elevation in the north cascades will be snow covered in winter doesn't deserve an answer

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When do I stop being a noob?

now that all depends on you, doesn't it?


the prospect of scraping a few cells off an old fogey and fixing his problem is pretty awesome.


what good does embryonic stem cells do those of us who have progressed beyond the embryonic stage of life? ok, maybe they can grow an organ for me someday but I'd still suffer the trials of being an organ recipient & all the anti-rejection meds because the new cells are from somebody else. even if you did have a couple of your embryo cells saved, this new process eliminates the 80 years of storage in the freezer, which would be a huge waste of energy.



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When do I stop being a noob?

now that all depends on you, doesn't it?


the prospect of scraping a few cells off an old fogey and fixing his problem is pretty awesome.


what good does embryonic stem cells do those of us who have progressed beyond the embryonic stage of life? ok, maybe they can grow an organ for me someday but I'd still suffer the trials of being an organ recipient & all the anti-rejection meds because the new cells are from somebody else. even if you did have a couple of your embryo cells saved, this new process eliminates the 80 years of storage in the freezer, which would be a huge waste of energy.



Enough with your scientific mumbo jumbo. This is a religious issue.

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2) "ridiculous moral class" - like when a liberal opposes the war or a vegan eating meat, or execution of murderers? you need to learn respect for another "moral" perspective


That rhetoric couldn't be more empty coming from you! Does the "respect" we need to learn include wishing people dead?


"I'd rather see you all get fucked over by terrorists and rot in the aftermath, then lift a finger on your behalf." Talk about respect!

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