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You state that like it's fact rather than opinion. You also state that like I don't get a significant ration of shit, including from you. I've taken potshots about my intellect, wife, values, body, lifestyle, veracity, you name it, but all from people who've never met me and who have absolutely no idea who I am. So why should I care? I don't. And neither should you. I can remember your first reply when I first started posting; very condescending, but even back then I recognized that as just part of the playground antics around here.


We shouldn't take Spray too seriously; I certainly don't. Nothing that goes on here would prevent me from climbing with or lending a hand to anyone on this forum, although I certainly don't expect that feeling to be mutual in all cases.


I think if you take the interchanges here in the tongue and cheek manner in which most of them are intended, you'll come away with a slightly different perspective. Or not. That's up to you.


The point is it shouldn't, and probably doesn't, really matter much to you what I post Spray, while it is an exchange of ideas, is not the best forum for changing behavior, if that's what you're attempting to do with this post. Personal interchanges are required for that. I made some great friends at CC, but to those here who don't really know me, I am, or at least should be, just another avatar.



Edited by tvashtarkatena
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You state that like it's fact rather than opinion. You also state that like I don't get a significant ration of shit, including from you. I've taken potshots about my intellect, wife, values, body, lifestyle, veracity, you name it, but all from people who've never met me and who have absolutely no idea who I am. So why should I care? I don't. And neither should you. I can remember your first reply when I first started posting; very condescending, but even back then I recognized that as just part of the playground antics around here.


We shouldn't take Spray too seriously; I certainly don't. Nothing that goes on here would prevent me from climbing with or lending a hand to anyone on this forum, although I certainly don't expect that feeling to be mutual in all cases.


I think if you take the interchanges here in the tongue and cheek manner in which most of them are intended, you'll come away with a slightly different perspective. Or not. That's up to you.


The point is it shouldn't, and probably doesn't, really matter much to you what I post Spray, while it is an exchange of ideas, is not the best forum for changing behavior, if that's what you're attempting to do with this post. Personal interchanges are required for that. I made some great friends at CC, but to those here who don't really know me, I am, or at least should be, just another avatar.



Pure, utter, self-serving, cry baby pap. I don't believe a single word of it. No one should.

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torture works! plus you get people to tell you stuff too.!


Sadly, torture doesn't work. THe victim talks, alright. They tell you exactly what you want to hear, but seldom anything useful.


Decades of espionage and law enforcement has proven that the use of informants is far, far more effective at gathering high quality information.


been away,.... torture works for the torturer 'cause he gets his ultimate control rush, which is the sole purpose of torture..... and people talka bout stuff.

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You state that like it's fact rather than opinion. You also state that like I don't get a significant ration of shit, including from you. I've taken potshots about my intellect, wife, values, body, lifestyle, veracity, you name it, but all from people who've never met me and who have absolutely no idea who I am. So why should I care? I don't. And neither should you. I can remember your first reply when I first started posting; very condescending, but even back then I recognized that as just part of the playground antics around here.


We shouldn't take Spray too seriously; I certainly don't. Nothing that goes on here would prevent me from climbing with or lending a hand to anyone on this forum, although I certainly don't expect that feeling to be mutual in all cases.


I think if you take the interchanges here in the tongue and cheek manner in which most of them are intended, you'll come away with a slightly different perspective. Or not. That's up to you.


The point is it shouldn't, and probably doesn't, really matter much to you what I post Spray, while it is an exchange of ideas, is not the best forum for changing behavior, if that's what you're attempting to do with this post. Personal interchanges are required for that. I made some great friends at CC, but to those here who don't really know me, I am, or at least should be, just another avatar.


So this is tongue in cheek? Or is this an effort to change my opinion? Or am I not supposed to care about this post? Help me out here, my "intellect" is failing me.

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You state that like it's fact rather than opinion. You also state that like I don't get a significant ration of shit, including from you. I've taken potshots about my intellect, wife, values, body, lifestyle, veracity, you name it, but all from people who've never met me and who have absolutely no idea who I am. So why should I care? I don't. And neither should you. I can remember your first reply when I first started posting; very condescending, but even back then I recognized that as just part of the playground antics around here.


We shouldn't take Spray too seriously; I certainly don't. Nothing that goes on here would prevent me from climbing with or lending a hand to anyone on this forum, although I certainly don't expect that feeling to be mutual in all cases.


I think if you take the interchanges here in the tongue and cheek manner in which most of them are intended, you'll come away with a slightly different perspective. Or not. That's up to you.


The point is it shouldn't, and probably doesn't, really matter much to you what I post Spray, while it is an exchange of ideas, is not the best forum for changing behavior, if that's what you're attempting to do with this post. Personal interchanges are required for that. I made some great friends at CC, but to those here who don't really know me, I am, or at least should be, just another avatar.


So this is tongue in cheek? Or is this an effort to change my opinion? Or am I not supposed to care about this post? Help me out here, my "intellect" is failing me.


I help you out here: ignore it.

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