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Impeach the bastard already.


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Sheehan Arrested


"The Democrats will not hold this administration accountable, so we have to hold the Democrats accountable," Sheehan said outside Conyers' office after the meeting. "And I for one am going to step up to the plate and run against Nancy Pelosi."


Impeachment is not a fringe movement, it is mandated in our Constitution. Nancy Pelosi had no authority to take it off the table," Sheehan told her group of orange-clad activists before they began their march from the national cemetery.



I don’t get how Alberto Gonzales can lie his ass off under oath then walk out a free man and Cindy Sheehan gets arrested for urging Democrats to do the right thing…….something is out of wack here.



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Sheehan Arrested


"The Democrats will not hold this administration accountable, so we have to hold the Democrats accountable," Sheehan said outside Conyers' office after the meeting. "And I for one am going to step up to the plate and run against Nancy Pelosi."


Impeachment is not a fringe movement, it is mandated in our Constitution. Nancy Pelosi had no authority to take it off the table," Sheehan told her group of orange-clad activists before they began their march from the national cemetery.



I don’t get how Alberto Gonzales can lie his ass off under oath then walk out a free man and Cindy Sheehan gets arrested for urging Democrats to do the right thing…….something is out of wack here.



Interestingly, she was arrested from a Democrat's office....

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Dems have their heads as far up their collective asses as the Republicans.


They're all a bunch of fucking wankers. We should start dropping congressmen out of the bombers -- but I guess that kind of warfare would be too cruel to the enemy.

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because they're politicians, and like all politicians, they want to keep their fat asses in office as long as possible, feeding off the public teat.


Not so much the public teat these days. Most of our politicians, especially at the top levels, are already very wealthy.


THey want to power and influence, not the salary.

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Its not as if they can wave a wand and make everything all better.


No…..but they can start by impeaching the current administration. If they do not….it sets a precedent to our children that its ok to lie, cheat, steal and be corrupt.


There's only a year to the election you bonehead. Impeachment would suck up all the time and detract from the campaign. It could backfire bigtime and would be a complete misallocation of energy.

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Its not as if they can wave a wand and make everything all better.


No…..but they can start by impeaching the current administration. If they do not….it sets a precedent to our children that its ok to lie, cheat, steal and be corrupt.


The example being guilty until proven innocent?

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kevbone, while "articles of impeachment" are passed by a simple majority of the House, its naive to think 2/3 of the Senate would vote to convict.


No matter how much we may like the idea, impeachment would amount to little more than a gratuitous waste of time. You remember, like the last time.

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kevbone, while "articles of impeachment" are passed by a simple majority of the House, its naive to think 2/3 of the Senate would vote to convict.


No matter how much we may like the idea, impeachment would amount to little more than a gratuitous waste of time. You remember, like the last time.



I believe you have to try……if you do nothing (which is happening right now)……what does that teach our children about high crime? That with enough money…..you can get away with torture.


I don’t care if it works or not……the dems need to buck up and try to impeach that “C” grade student that was appointed president.



Last time…..our president lied about getting a blow job and there was over 100 subpoenas issued (all by republicans)…..our current president has gotten away with allowing hundreds of thousands innocent people to die….all in the name of his and his friends pocket books. WTF is he still in office? I just don’t get it!





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kevbone, while "articles of impeachment" are passed by a simple majority of the House, its naive to think 2/3 of the Senate would vote to convict.


No matter how much we may like the idea, impeachment would amount to little more than a gratuitous waste of time. You remember, like the last time.



I believe you have to try……if you do nothing (which is happening right now)……what does that teach our children about high crime? That with enough money…..you can get away with torture.


I don’t care if it works or not……the dems need to buck up and try to impeach that “C” grade student that was appointed president.



Last time…..our president lied about getting a blow job and there was over 100 subpoenas issued (all by republicans)…..our current president has gotten away with allowing hundreds of thousands innocent people to die….all in the name of his and his friends pocket books. WTF is he still in office? I just don’t get it!





If the Dems thought they had a case, they probably would try to impeach him....I take the current silence to mean that they don't have real proof of the imaginary crimes the liberal media has accused him of.

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If the Dems thought they had a case, they probably would try to impeach him....I take the current silence to mean that they don't have real proof of the imaginary crimes the liberal media has accused him of.


Yeah... and Alberto Gonzales resigned so he can spend more time with his family. ;)

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Student Athletes that can't spell are a much smaller issue then having a president that consistantly makes you wonder if he is "special" in a way a president should not be. But that is typical conservative rhetoric to try and deflect people from the real issue at hand.

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There's only a year to the election you bonehead. Impeachment would suck up all the time and detract from the campaign. It could backfire bigtime and would be a complete misallocation of energy.




if you have a hankering to do something positive, senor bone, your energy needs to go into finding a candidate in 08 worth supporting now and doing what you can to get them elected - bush is already pretty much a lame-duck-non-entity and currently you're acting like the guy who wanted to stab caeser for the 29th time instead of the guy who should be figuring out how to help the republic - at any rate, attempting to boil down all the ills of a nation into who's occupying a single desk in a single town is silly - a nation of 260 million people isn't undone by a single man

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The case for impeachment is not about punishing Bush for high crimes and misdemeanors, but about curbing the expansion of presidential power that threatens to upset the balance of powers. The Democrats are afraid the pundits would skewer them for being "divisive," and I don't think anybody is going to get serious about impeachment but shouldn't the true conservatives and real liberals both be worried about a future president making political appointments the way that Bush has, lying to Congress, and saying that she doesn't have to respond to Congressional subpoenas? If Bush isn't impeached, why should the next President or the one after that feel at all compelled to obey the law or respect Congress unless that Congress is overwhelmingly occupied by the other party?

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