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We're turning into Nazis


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Does anybody else find it interesting that Fairweather, who has been defending the Bush administration nearly uninterrupted for six years while presenting a scathing dismissal of liberals as willing dupes links the above-cited article but overlooked this one?



Here's an article published today, addressing the way the Bush administratin makes decisions, as opposed to one from last Fall personally criticizing or perhaps slandering Reid


Where does Fairweather get his talking points?


...4 pages later - I guess not. Try to stay on task, Matt. Who's slandering Reid? The Wa Post? I don't get it. Are you giving Reid a pass on this one? Take your meds. I found this quote from your article interesting:


"Cheney and Lundquist also met with Daniel Yergin, chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates and author of "The Prize," a history of the oil industry. Yergin recalls discussing energy efficiency and natural gas data, which were then showing that increased drilling had for the first time not raised U.S. production."


...all this time you've been propagating the lie that Cheney never met with naysayers like Yergin - only those evil oil execs. What's up? And please spare me the reading comprehension bit...I've seen "The Prize", and Yergin is no friend of Big Oil.

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Filibuster now in progress over a Senate bill to force end to the war. Reichpublicans today blocked an up-or-down vote as the bill contains resolute consequences applicable to their Fuhrer. Democratic majority leader Harry Reid is keeping the Senate in session through the night.


Give 'em hell Harry!


What happened??????? Hey; did you get to hear Senator Byrd's speech on the Senate floor? I'll try to find it on YouTube...absolutely stunning.


And, BTW, does the bill actually call for the withdrawl of troops from Iraq? No. So why you gettin' so excited, Crux?

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Let's not make it personal eh? I wasn't going there OW.


In Germany publicly accusing a government official of being a Nazi/Fascist supporter can lead to a serious date with the Polizei. You'll either be tried as a criminal or sued in civil court. That's in a western country.


In the middle east, defacing religious symbols, will lead to your death.


Now I know how you love to cavalierly wave your freak flags high, and shout your stances from the safest of safe zones, but try and remember some of your imagery, opinions are offensive. And don't be surprised when your little sandbox scratchings catch the attention of the man. You can't always have your cake and eat it too, now can you?

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You know, the prospect of thugs prosecuting thought crimes has always made you nigh unto gleeful. The notion that you would suggest this country should be run similarly to Germany or the Middle East, as well as your eager anticipation of political repression is either a bunch of pot stirring hooey or a frightening glimpse into the black pit of your core values. Why do you hate our freedoms?

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You're so paranoid. Every time someone makes a statement contrary to your little political scratchings you get all indignant, and turn it into a personal attack. Clearly you feel like you have something to worry about once 'the man' turns a spotlight on. Don't flatter yourself small fish.


You think it's OK to compare the government to a fascist state, pigpile on that idea with imagery that is contrary to some persons belief systems, however when I point out two examples of actual totalitarian or fascist states or mentalities you claim I hate your freedom? What about MY freedom? Or does that only apply when you can control the information flow?


Two valid points in opposition to your beliefs, neither of which have anything to do with me, but are facts of life in OTHER countries, and you somehow try and assume I am gleeful?


If banning me somehow makes you feel better go ahead. It really highlights the one sided dialog you so much love to promote.

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Serenity, I believe the reference was jokingly referring to language used by our current president.


For the record, there a number of things that can get you banned from here, but having a different political beliefs is not one them. In other words, you will never be banned just for stating a political belief that differs from say...an moderator or admin. It is ALWAYS something else, even if that action that results in getting your banned was provoked by political discussion on the board.

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:lmao: I thought you were just kicking sand, so I was kicking it back. You love to troll and poke, but you get so brittle when someone plays the same game with you.


My sole contribution to this thread was posting four images from out of my "humor" file, curious to see if anyone tried to construe meaning from it. I found your interpretation of this Rorschach test both interesting and disturbing.


If I really wounded you so deeply by distilling my unease at things you've written over the years into a few sharp darts, I apologize. Even now I can never tell when you're sincere or when you're just engaging in more psyc-op mindfuck posturing.

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