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Kindergarten - Hamas Style


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Que the bizzare equivocation "I've seen kids next door playing with toy-guns too," reflexive condemnation of the West, and robotic recitation of the usual stock of trite, dismissive retorts in five, four, three, two, one...

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They've informed me that they're busy putting the "Vaccination Free Kintergarden Graduation Ceremony" video together. Should be up on YouTube in a moment, at which time they'll be free to comment. Please be patient.


Meanwhile, in Hamastan...




Apples certainly aren't falling far from the tree. Or is is the reverse? Getting confusing...

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Interesting, because I've never voiced an opinion on vaccinations one way or the other. Ever.


How are your reading comprehension classes coming? Have you gotten to the memory improvement modules yet?


Hurried response regarding fluoridation in 3, 2, 1....

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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"Interesting, because I've never voiced an opinion on vaccinations one way or the other. Ever.


How are your reading comprehension classes coming? Have you gotten to the memory improvement modules yet?


Hurried response regarding fluoridation in 3, 2, 1...."



I hope you won't have your feelings hurt if I confess that I wasn't thinking of you when I made that post. I just finished listening to an NPR seg on autism - which has inspired a fervent vaccination victim-cult that makes the cyanide-jello quaffing, purple-hood-and-black-Nike sporting comet-hoppers look like Aristotle by comparison - and it made me think of the folks in the Pre-K collective on Bainbridge who were withholding vaccination from their children. It was on "Rx for the World," on PBS a while back. Gates Foundation funded thingy on the threat from various scourges, plagues, etc around the world and the various impediments to addressing them effectively. What better way to gratify the request for some Hippie Bashing, I thought...


But since you mentioned it, the paralells between the FluoroDissidents and the Cult of Vaccino-Autism are rather striking....

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Interesting how the Islamists will take advantage of the slightest humanitarian gesture of their enemies, in this case medical care, to attack. Then they complain when harsh measures are taken against them.



[Cue high-hat..]

Why do you hate freedom?



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The muslim/Islamic community is growing rapidly in Denmark. The differences in culture are so striking that the Danes are absolutely pissed and ready to tell them to get the fuck out. It is strange hearing my family talk that way--they are the typical open minded scandinavians. But even they have had enough.


I don't think I have any point with this post, just thought I'd share.

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I used to travel through Denmark frequently when I worked in Europe a lot. I encountered many of the biggest assholes I've every met there, most particularl belligerent drunks. Not without exception of course, but the frequency of less than pleasant encounters was striking when compared with the rest of the continent.


The Danish culture seems bored with itself.

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The muslim/Islamic community is growing rapidly in Denmark. The differences in culture are so striking that the Danes are absolutely pissed and ready to tell them to get the fuck out. It is strange hearing my family talk that way--they are the typical open minded scandinavians. But even they have had enough.


I don't think I have any point with this post, just thought I'd share.


I hear a popular shirt worn by Danish-Muslim youth is something along the lines of "2030: The Year We Take Over"



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