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So I think this was a thread already (no I did not use the search feature), but just received my R&I issue and there is a big article about Josh Warton and company. They went down to Patagonia to chop a 35 year old route.


What a bunch of elitist ego driven assholes…I am glad they failed. Josh Warton…..you are not welcome at my campfire.


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Heh - flying all the way down there and camping out in that shithole all in the name of "purity". Reminds me of the crusades.


You made a funny. :lmao:


I read the entire article. It seems most of the climbers they interviewed that have climbed the formation, did not want to see the route go by by.

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So I think this was a thread already (no I did not use the search feature), but just received my R&I issue and there is a big article about Josh Warton and company. They went down to Patagonia to chop a 35 year old route.


What a bunch of elitist ego driven assholes…I am glad they failed. Josh Warton…..you are not welcome at my campfire.



Assholes create assholes.

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Colin Haley talked about the compressor route at the slide show Backcounty gear had on may 18th. If i remember correctly he said that the compressor was removed and then replaced because people felt it was so much a part of the climbing history of the are. He said it made a good ledge to stand on too.


so is the route chopped or not right now? Colin showed picks of he and his partner rapping off that route. but that would have been in December some time i think.

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Maybe we should smash his prick?



No, Nutz sounds more entertaining!


Or, we could tatoo his forhead saying "I AM A GIRL".........


How about a tatoo saying " I have a small penis"



I was going to say that, except theres been a lot of discussion about male sexual genitalia lately. And I take full credit for it.


Hey Kevbone! Do you like glaciers?

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