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You Favorite Route/Problem


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I just stared climbing 4 months ago and I am totally addicted. I like both types of climbing eqaully (boulder and routes), but some routes/problems are a lot better than others. Right now my favorite problem is a green V2 at my gym. It has an awesome undercling dyno that I finally stuck. My friend onisted the red V3 , and he couldn't onsite this problem, so it is actually probably at least V2+.


My favorite route that I have climbed so far is the red/black 5.8 on the tallest section of the wall. I took a short rest at the crux roof, but otherwise sent it clean. I still cant figure out if it is best to skip the small jib below the roof (any Beta?).


So what are yours?

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Dood! I'm with ya! Hell withthe naysayers!


The green one is TOTALLY HARDER than that red rig! WTF were they thinking?


You stuck the dyno? BADASS, Meng!


I am thinking about trying some outdoor climbing soon!


It's a little scary to me, any good beta on using real holds?


BBW? :laf::wave:

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catbirdseat, I tried the search button, but most of the posts were about mountaineering instead of climbing. I checked rc.com, but it was all about lawyers. Maybe you have the wrong address?


Went outside once, but most of the routes were pretty low angle. I think I like harder climbing more than climbing outside.

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Your mom.


There is this gnarly overhanging problem on your mom - It starts all offwidth on greasy slopers until you pull for the dirty jug about halfway up the overhang. A quick mantle (watch out for the wet spot)and some lower angle hiking to the top. It's a classic line.

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Your mom.


There is this gnarly overhanging problem on your mom - It starts all offwidth on greasy slopers until you pull for the dirty jug about halfway up the overhang. A quick mantle (watch out for the wet spot)and some lower angle hiking to the top. It's a classic line.

I thought that was the finger crack?

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