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Honor in killing?


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Horrifying. Killing a teenager? And for what? To save her honor or her families honor? If they are so pious, why do they tear off her clothing? I just don't understand.


WARNING: graphic video contains footage of a young woman being killed

Edited by Off_White
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Just goes to show that one would be mistaken to assume that the Kurds are the "good guys" of the three main sects in Iraq. That's pretty damned sick.


There was this guy named Saddam Hussein who dumped poison on the Kurds when they pulled shit like that. The Kurds stopped pulling shit like that. Fucked up world, that, but then to their deaths we sent thousands of our own -- to fix things.

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Just goes to show that one would be mistaken to assume that the Kurds are the "good guys" of the three main sects in Iraq. That's pretty damned sick.


There was this guy named Saddam Hussein who dumped poison on the Kurds when they pulled shit like that. The Kurds stopped pulling shit like that. Fucked up world, that, but then to their deaths we sent thousands of our own -- to fix things.


That's the most idiotic statement I've ever heard. :noway:

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Yeah, Saddam didn't gas the Kurds because of honor killings, my point was just that one should not fall into the trap of imagining there are white hats and black hats in the Iraqi internal conflict.


Domestic violence and murder of women occurs in the US too. We have plenty of newstories of the vilest murders.

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Yeah, Saddam didn't gas the Kurds because of honor killings, my point was just that one should not fall into the trap of imagining there are white hats and black hats in the Iraqi internal conflict.

Saddam murdered medieval-style fundamentalists en mass when they raised their bloody hands high enough to stand out. No white hats. No black hats. Just the way it was. An even quicker death came to any terrorist. As such, for whatever it was worth, honor killings were rare and terrorists extinct. And then came the Americans.



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I am thinking i do not want to watch this at work


You don't want to watch this at all.


This video should be removed.


its a choice to watch it. devistatingly sad. but truth. that is happening in our world today and no amount of removing the video will make it not happen.

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I am very aware of what is happening in this world. I chose to watch the video not realizing it was live footage of a young womans death!! This is not the website for it.


it says right in the description. what part of "teen killed" did you miss?

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it never occured to me that it would actually show the death. my mistake...


the thing about spray is that it is about every thing. just becuase we are climbers doesn't mean we don't talk about serious issues or have concerns about things other than the normal bull shit we talk about. i hate the news. i refuse to watch it. the only place i get news is here when people i think are interesting post and on another bbs kind of situation. people i find interesting posting the stories they find. i appriciate it because i do not have the time, inclanation, or intestinal fortitude to go through the news enough to get to the things that matter. i appriciate when others do. i do not believe archy posted this selatiously. her intent was not "man this is so cool they killed this teen girl" her point was "how the fuck can this travisty happen while we sit arround on our asses and talk about what makes us fart."


it is a much needed reality check.


a whole life is one of ballence. this is ballence.

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I'm on your side Muffy. I read/watched it too because of the poster. I am no fool to mistaken Archy's intent here, and I appreciate her sharing the harsh truth of this insane world. In my opinion, the video was more than I could handle and what I felt is appropiate for this website. There are young users that might not understand or rationalize this behavior. I'm an aging woman and still dont get it...




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I'm on your side Muffy. I read/watched it too because of the poster. I am no fool to mistaken Archy's intent here, and I appreciate her sharing the harsh truth of this insane world. In my opinion, the video was more than I could handle and what I felt is appropiate for this website. There are young users that might not understand or rationalize this behavior. I'm an aging woman and still dont get it...




IMHO children under the age of 18 should not be using the internet unsupervised. My boys have a list of approved websites they can visit. I do check their cache. they know they can clear it and if i find it empty they are in as much trouble as if i found a website they were not supposed to visit.


in the 5 or 6 years I have been posting on cc.com, I have only ever met and/or talked to one user under the age of 18. He was in college living in a dorm. His parents climb at the gym where i climb.


I feel the same way about cc.com that i do about myspace. This is an adult tool. Geared towards adults. I will not edit my thoughts or ideas because some miscreant has discovered the site or figured out how to read my blog. If a child is intelligent enough to use the tool called the internet shame on the parents for not safeguarding their child. It is a bit like offering your child a chain saw but not making sure they know how to use it.

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Pink if you do a little search in spray you'll find a number of subjects that are both nasty and sick. In the end you have a right to bitch but you don't get to decide what is appropiate enough to stay on the site.


I thought this video was nasty, but a good reminder of all the bad stuff that's out there in this world.


If I wanted to delete this thread I could but I don't so tough. My advice to you is to do a better job picking what you want to watch.

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AK, Pink and Pink Chalk are different unconnected individuals.


I added a clear warning to the first post, but agree that removing the link would gut the core of the conversation. Administrative decision, ya'll might as well move along and talk about the subject, rather than talk about talking about the subject.


Muffy, you're a great parent.

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AK, Pink and Pink Chalk are different unconnected individuals.


I added a clear warning to the first post, but agree that removing the link would gut the core of the conversation. Administrative decision, ya'll might as well move along and talk about the subject, rather than talk about talking about the subject.


Muffy, you're a great parent.





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