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I really don't like honeydew. honest. is that weird? I mean it's not like it's the most disgusting thing ever or anything, but I find if it's in my fruit salad I usually skip it...

ewww honeydew is yucky. cantaloupe all the way.

wooord. no question about it.


had dried cantalope before? that shit is wierd - like drinking powdered beer - it's hard to fuck up a perfectly good thing.

Looks like Kevbone is the only one who likes honeydew... hmmm interesting.
not true. i like hunnydo but i love the lope... LOVE IT!!!
That's a hard one.....Honey dew melon....cold and ripe? Nothing like it.



I used to be way stoked on Honeydoos. Then I learned somewhere that they tend to have mold in them.


Canteloupes are great though! - Ok so this is the damn freaking best thing ever: Come down off of Rainier, STARVING. You get to car. You say "OH! DUDE! I REMEMBER NOW! I LEFT A CANTALOUPE WAITING HERE FOR ME!!!" "AND BEER!" - ok well, the beer was warm. But whatever...... it was still damn freaking good.

Cantaloupes are good, Honey dew is better, HOWEVER Mangos are the best!


How about just cold ripe fruit in general? That is the shit.




How about avacados???? And milkshakes, and raw meat? Wait, thats not fruit........

Cantaloupes are good, Honey dew is better, HOWEVER Mangos are the best!


How about just cold ripe fruit in general? That is the shit.




How about avacados???? And milkshakes, and raw meat? Wait, thats not fruit........


I dont know. A 5 dollar milkshake is about as good as fresh cold ripe fruit.


i love fresh cold ripe fruit. i love it all blended up too. smoothies RULE!! lots of people put all kinds of things in smoothies. all i want in mine is fruit and maybe a little fruit juice or rice milk. i am a simple girl i like simple things.

Cantaloupes are good, Honey dew is better, HOWEVER Mangos are the best!

How about just cold ripe fruit in general? That is the shit.

Like a thick plantain and two large juicy plums.

What about bananas, oranges, coconut, and WHOLE milk??? (+ a few ice cubes)


I did that a couple days ago...... oh jesus......


vannilla rice milk rox my sox off :moondance:

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