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Bush Administration wants to ban gun sales to terrorist suspects


Is this a breach of our civil rights? No judge, no jury. Bush says you're a suspect and you can't buy a gun. No legal recourse!


Is this a common-sense measure to limit guns in the hands of terrorists? Do the pro's (Keep guns away from terrorists? Keep guns away from civilians, period?) outweigh the cons (registered democrats won't be allowed to buy guns?).



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Bush Administration wants to ban gun sales to terrorist suspects


Is this a breach of our civil rights? No judge, no jury. Bush says you're a suspect and you can't buy a gun. No legal recourse!


Is this a common-sense measure to limit guns in the hands of terrorists? Do the pro's (Keep guns away from terrorists? Keep guns away from civilians, period?) outweigh the cons (registered democrats won't be allowed to buy guns?).



My concern is how do they define Terrorist?? Any group could become a terrist group, just needs the label. Little scary.

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Is this a breach of our civil rights? No judge, no jury. Bush says you're a suspect and you can't buy a gun. No legal recourse!

So what's new? Bush says you're a terrorist and you go to Guantanamo Bay. Is losing you right to buy a gun worse than losing your liberty?
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What I don't get is why they need to bother with taking away their rights to buy guns, when they can just arbitrarily throw them in prison?


It's starting to look like the Bush admin is trying to alienate every possible constituency. A daring plan! What could they have up their sleeve?

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Maybe they are polling and finding out that despite the stanglehold the NRA has on overall politics there are a large number of Americans who think some kind of gun control would be a good idea. Perhaps they just want to be able to say "see: we support SOME gun control measures."

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Or maybe preventing suspected terrorists from buying guns is a hollow and useless measure (given the administrations much greater powers to act against such persons) designed to actually do nothing on the gun control issue. Kind of like a post Virginia Tech, wink wink love letter to the NRA, actually.

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Is this a breach of our civil rights? No judge, no jury. Bush says you're a suspect and you can't buy a gun. No legal recourse!

So what's new? Bush says you're a terrorist and you go to Guantanamo Bay. Is losing you right to buy a gun worse than losing your liberty?


"he" doesn't say "you're" a terrorist. you know damn well that people in Gitmo didn't get there for being innocent little angels

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You mean like all the innocent people that have been released free and clear from Guantanamo after years of incarceration?


He's a Br-ick...


da na na




where were they "picked up"? off a street in the good old U. S. of A? Just curious...


Gitmo doesn't threaten the avg American one iota.


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Actually, Jose Padilla, an American citizen, was picked up shortly after 9/11 at the Chicago Airport, labeled an enemy combatant, and incarcerated without access to an attorney for over 2 years in a military brig (although not Guantanamo, but frankly, the location doesn't matter much).


After pressure from recent Supreme Court rulings, his case was turned over to civilian courts just last year. The government's key witness in the case was a rival drug dealer from over a decade ago (a former drug dealer, Padilla exhibited no criminal behavior for over a decade before his detention). This key witness has since RECANTED his testimony. Most legal experts agree that, because of this, the government will likely lose it's case and have to set Mr. Padilla free. If he doesn't plea bargain to gain his own release, that is.


So, yes, American citizens have much to worry about.


Anything else, Brick?

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Actually, Jose Padilla, an American citizen, was picked up shortly after 9/11 at the Chicago Airport, labeled an enemy combatant, and incarcerated without access to an attorney for over 2 years in a military brig (although not Guantanamo, but frankly, the location doesn't matter much).


After pressure from recent Supreme Court rulings, his case was turned over to civilian courts just last year. The government's key witness in the case was a rival drug dealer from over a decade ago (a former drug dealer, Padilla exhibited no criminal behavior for over a decade before his detention). This key witness has since RECANTED his testimony. Most legal experts agree that, because of this, the government will likely lose it's case and have to set Mr. Padilla free. If he doesn't plea bargain to gain his own release, that is.


So, yes, American citizens have much to worry about.


Anything else, Brick?


1) we were talking about Gitmo, not Padilla

2) Padilla is no innocent angel

3) one person in almost 6 years does not make me worry about my civil rights

4) ёб твою мать, подёнок!


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The KKK Response Generator:


This add on chooses one of the following responses for you at random:





4) "Guilty until proven innocent" written in Cyrillic


Tack on a :wave:


Hit Submit


Welcome to my ignore list. You'll join Kevbone as the only other occupant of that club. It's only fitting as you generate about as much worthless shit on this list as he does. Why I ever bothered responding to your worthless, inane blathering in the first place is a mystery to me.


And one final: FUCK YOU. :fahq:

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