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Cro Cop gets ROCKED!


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Lesson: don't get in fights! That's almost vomit-inducing. A strong reason why UFC does not belong on standard cable tv--that shit is way more X-rated than porn.


Lesson: Don't open your mouth, lest ye be thought a fool.


"More X-Rated than porn."? "UFC does not belong on standard cable."? I see people getting murdered, stabbed, shot, hung, blown up, and burned to death on standard cable at 4:30 in the afternoon. This was on at 12am.


This isn't even violence, never mind inter-vaginal intercourse, or the man-on-sheep shit you're into. These are highly paid, highly trained, professional fighters doing what they make bank doing: beating the shit out of each other. Cro Cop getting kicked unconscious is no more an act of violence than a mechanic changing a tire or a chef making soup. Violence is a dude getting curb-stomped outside a bar after he makes a pass at the wrong dudes girlfriend, dropping 1000lb JDAMs on a house full of women and children, or gay bashing. If you think otherwise, you should go back to your drum circle or go get ready for your Women's Studies midterm

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Lesson: Don't open your mouth, lest ye be thought a fool.




Alright chodeboy, I'll let your foolishness speak for itself:


This isn't even violence


beating the shit out of each other


Cro Cop getting kicked unconscious is no more an act of violence than a mechanic changing a tire or a chef making soup.


the man-on-sheep shit you're into


Methinks someone has been watching a little too much :battlecage:


Actually I do have one more thing to say: I respect MMA (and have even loosely followed it), but you know as well as I do that putting it on cable will lead the young and stupid to misunderstand what the sport represents. "Wanna play catch?" "Fuck that sheepfucker, let's beat the shit out of each other like our new TV heroes!!!"



The last thing we need are 20 million+ MMA wanna-be's.


ps. I don't think that violent footage belongs on the news either, especially since the main motivation for it is to increase ratings.

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I also think the sport is respectable and generally 'safe.' These guys are masters of h2h combat. They could tear each other apart limb from limb in seconds, but they don't--because that is not what the sport is supposed to be about.


However, this subtlety is almost certain to be ignored by your average boob tuber, and turning the sport into a national televised phenomenon could even change the character of the sport itself. Just look at football. Did the first '60-minute' football games take 3 hours? No. TV did that (among other things). :noway:

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MMA is athletic competition, and you have to fight and protect yourself at all time. For the competitors there is generally no malice, and punching someone who is down is just being trained to a point where you stop when the referee signals that your opponent is down. That's why there is a referee. The safety of the athletes is paramount. No one has been killed in sanctioned MMA competition, no one has required rescue costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, no one has walked by an MMA athlete as he gasps for his last dying breath...etc. It's athletic pure and simple.

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I'm aware of why they keep swinging. (I also wouldn't want to get the shit beat out of me because I showed a little mercy.)


But since we're on the baseball analogy ('bat against a side of beef' by the OP): when a baseball player hits a home run, he knows it. He doesn't go tear-assing around the bases, and cream the catcher on the way in.

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MMA is no different than boxing or any other combat sport, and certainly no less violent than the 5 o'clock news. Kids are injuring themselves more emulating WWE and hitting each other over the head with folding chairs. That shits lame.


I thought Cro Cop was gonna kick his ass, too.

Edited by Farva
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Seems like there are so many more standup knockouts, and knockout upsets in UFC lately... is 'MMA' finally ready for the bloodlusting American audience??? How amazing and how fortunate for the investors that this just happens to coincide with its appearance on cable, for the 'free' enjoyment of all. And it looks like a home run for SpikeTV: execs probably pissed their pants with glee at the sight of real live violence on their very own network.


But hey, it's a free country. Until your kids kill someone with their bare hands.


Jeez. How did I get so negative? It must have been that video. :battlecage:

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