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Christian Griffith


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If anyone has climbved at the Seattel vertical World, well he designed the place. The guy can climb that's fer shur.


(Kev - you really crack me how much of a tool you are!!! Keep up the good work hahahaha)



Just so I get this straight……I have never heard of a climber that lives 1500 miles away, and I am a tool? Is that right? Don’t answer that…..I know your type and what you will say……

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No, Kevbone. I think the point is that if you are sooo into climbing one would think that one would bone (kevbone that is) up on the history of said sport. I just find it funny when someone who is older than me doesn't know about a particular historical character prevalent in climbing history. Now, there are extremes to both ends, for instance, CBS has far too much knowledge of climbing history. It's quite erie actually :crazy:

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  • 4 weeks later...
It's a good skill to be able to spot people you dislike from a safe distance.


Pink probably bumps into CG as they live fairly close to each other.


I've never met him, but to me, CG was what was wrong with climbing in the 80's. Some people trying to rap bolt a hard line, much to the anger of the old guard, and then milking the controversy which follows for PR and to make themselves famous and rich.


I suspect CG is probably a pretty good guy once you get past his reputation.

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Oh, I've talked to him in person. Yeah he is a polite guy, but I lack respect for some of his climbing tactics. He still climbs harder than I do though. I did try and get him a load of chips for the base of his new climbs till dumping in his driveway proved impossible. It's not my fault he had so many low power lines above his driveway.

Edited by AlpineK
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